Legion: The Legend of Excalibur

Legion: The Legend of Excalibur


Release Date: June 17, 2002

Action, Arthurian legends, elements of strategy, PlayStation exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer

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This game is one of those items that are difficult to assign to a particular genre. Action-Advanture, RPG, strategy? Everything here a little bit. And if we are going to lead the Knights of King Arthur, it should be interesting.

The ultimate mix of role-playing, strategy, and action on the PlayStation 2, Legion: The Legend of Excalibur allows players to live the epic legend of King Arthur and the mystical sword Excalibur in this large-scale fantasy adventure. Players take direct control of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and lead legions of knights in dynamic battlefield environments against the evil forces of Morgan Le Fay. With more than 12 characters to control and 14 in-depth missions to accomplish, Legion combines intense individual action with the depth of combat familiar to real-time strategy fans.

* Find and recruit the 12 Knights of the Round Table and unite Camelot

* Complete 14 missions with primary and secondary objectives, Heroes' quests, and side quests on your way to restoring Camelot

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Legion: The Legend of Excalibur Summary


PlayStation 2

PlayStation 2

Developer: 7 Studios

Publisher: Midway Games

Age restrictions: 16+

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