Last King of Africa

Last King of Africa


Release Date: November 28, 2008

Adventure, Nintendo exclusive, singleplayer

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Last King of Africa is a game created by Benoit Sokala team. As usual in the case of this author we are dealing with a point & click adventure.

Last King of Africa is a highly polished graphical adventure with a fascinating story. The game serves up numerous puzzles that make the most of the Nintendo DS. The stylus, the microphone and, of course, your logic skills will be essential to unraveling the mysteries that await.

Ann Smith, the young daughter of the last King of Maurania, is flying to her dying father’s side when her jet crash lands near a rebel village. Ann survives this terrible ordeal but awakes with amnesia in the palace of a prince - so begins her incredible voyage.

Last King of Africa boasts a clear and detailed map of the game zones, which allow you to find your bearings at any time during the adventure, and a help system to assist you during the game’s exploration phases and avoid tedious ‘pixel hunting’.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Videos and Screens

[1:21] Last King of Africa #1

Last King of Africa Summary