Land of Legends

Land of Legends


Release Date: September 21, 2005

Strategy, turn-based, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet, LAN

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Land of Legends is a turn-based strategy game set in a fantasy atmosphere. Eight different races fight for dominance over the world, using both cold steel and magic in confrontations.

Our story begins as all tales of wonder do...

Once upon a time there was a land where man and magic coexisted with a menagerie of fantastical beings. All was not well though, for a great horror stalked the land. The kind folks of the lands recognized this horror for what it was, pure Evil, and went to war against it. Through arcane might, bloody steel, and the triumph of will the good people smote Evil, bringing peace and prosperity back to the lands.

But Evil never dies. No, it may slink back to the abyss it vomited forth from, it may lay in wait speaking to mortals through dreams of lost cities and beasts from beyond the stars, but it never truly dies. It waits, infecting the world with its poison as it bids its time for return.

And that it did. The races, each claiming to have single handedly saved the world in the war against Evil, grew suspicious of each other. Each retreated to their own realms, content to spin tales of glory that rarely reflected the truth. And in this fractured world Evil returned, confident that the races would finally bow down and acknowledge their true master.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

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Land of Legends Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Developer: Tiny Hero Game Studios

Publisher: Shrapnel Games

Age restrictions: none

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Land of Legends System Requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Recommended: Pentium III 600 MHz, 256MB RAM, graphic card 16 MB, 30 MB HDD