Klonoa: Door to Phantomile is a platformer created by Japanese company Namco, in which three-dimensional characters move in a two-dimensional plane. The hero of the game is an anthropomorphic cat named Klonoa, owned by a ring in which the spirit of Huepow is enchanted.
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Klonoa: Door to Phantomile Description
Originally released on the PlayStation in 1997, the game is only available in digital form as part of PSOne Classics.
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile is a 2.5D platform game on PS3, PSP, etc. prepared by the Japanese Namco team, in which we control the anthropomorphic character of the title creature in possession of a ring with an auxiliary Huepow ghost enchanted in it. The production was created in 1997, becoming a sales hit in the Country of the Cherry Blossom. Unfortunately, in the western markets Klonoa remained a niche publishing house without finding many customers.
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile is a 2.5D platform game on PS3, PSP, etc. prepared by the Japanese Namco team, in which we control the anthropomorphic character of the title creature in possession of a ring with an auxiliary Huepow ghost enchanted in it. The production was created in 1997, becoming a sales hit in the Country of the Cherry Blossom. Unfortunately, in western markets Klonoa remained a niche title, having not found many customers.
The action Klonoa: Door to Phantomile takes place in a mysterious land where the energy of dreams forgotten by people is collected. It gives the form of five locations that are part of the world depicted, among which there is, for example, a village located in the crowns of trees or the Temple of the Sun levitating in the clouds. One of the inhabitants of Breezegale is an anthropomorphic cat, the title manor house of Klonoa, who one night dreams of an aircraft crashing at a nearby mountain. It turns out that a similar event is soon to take place. Klonoa and a friend named Huepow, who lives in an enchanted ring worn by the main character, go to the scene of the disaster to investigate how it could have happened. This is how their adventure begins.
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile is a typical platformer in which the main character jumps between different objects, defeats funny opponents by jumping on their heads, and collects colored crystals. Although all objects appearing on the screen are three-dimensional, the protagonist's figure moves only on a two-dimensional plane, without the possibility of entering the depths of the location.
Technical issues
The game is characterized by a very pleasant to the eye, cartoon graphics. There are also many interludes reminiscent of animated films, during which the players are introduced to the story of a mysterious land. The production is also characterized by a very pleasant, extremely melodic and dynamic soundtrack, which largely encourages to overcome the next stages.
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Last updated on August 14, 2015
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile Summary
PlayStation Vita December 27, 2011
PlayStation 3 December 27, 2011
Nintendo Wii December 4, 2008
PlayStation Portable December 27, 2011
PlayStation 1 December 11, 1997
Developer: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
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