The next installment of a series of role-playing games set in a medieval fantasy land. The action of the game takes place fifteen years after the events of its predecessor and once again tells the player to set out in search of a powerful, magical sword. The game consists mainly in exploring, fighting and acquiring new elements of equipment.
King's Field II Description
King's Field 2 is a PS1 RPG created by FromSoftware, creators of Armored Core and Dark Souls series. The production is the third installment of the cycle developed since 1994 - as the first part has never been released outside of Japan, western releases of these games have changed numbering.
The action of King's Field 2 takes place in a land that combines elements characteristic of the Middle Ages with those typical of the fantasy genre. Events presented in the game take place fifteen years after the action of the previous part. The player takes on the role of Lyle, son of the ruler of the kingdom of Verdite. His task is to find the powerful Moonlight Sword. This sword will enable him to stop the evil forces that possessed the king and led to chaos throughout the country. To succeed, Lyle must first gain control of the four magical powers.
Events in King's Field 2 are observed from FPP. The game is a typical representative of the RPG genre. The game consists mainly of exploring vast levels, fighting powerful enemies and acquiring progressively better equipment. The title boasts a high level of difficulty, characteristic of FromSoftware games. Compared to the previous part of the series, it offers more extensive but more linear locations.
Last updated on March 16, 2020
King's Field II Summary
PlayStation 1
Developer: FromSoftware
Publisher: ASCii Corporation
Age restrictions: 12+