Jurassic Park (1993)

Jurassic Park (1993)


Release Date: May 12, 1993

Action, FPP, movies, shooters, singleplayer

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Multimillionaire John Hammond creates a unique park on Isla Nublar Island (off the Costa Rican coast), whose main attraction is the real dinosaurs. In order to prove the safety of the complex, the scientist invites a group of specialists, headed by a well-known palaeontologist, Dr. Alan Grant, to visit the complex.

Multimillionaire John Hammond creates a unique park on Isla Nublar Island (off the Costa Rican coast), whose main attraction is the real dinosaurs. In order to prove the safety of the complex, the scientist invites a group of specialists, headed by a well-known palaeontologist, Dr. Alan Grant, to visit the complex. Fantastic creatures enchant the audience, who realize that they are witnesses of a breakthrough event in the history of science. However, when the safety devices are damaged and the dinosaurs are released, the people on the island are threatened with death.

Created by Ocean Software Ltd. the game Jurassic Park, refers to Steven Spielberg's film with the same title, which debuted in cinemas in 1993. Here we play the role of the above mentioned doctor, trying at all costs to get out of the island. The task is not that simple, however, and it's not just about giant creatures hunting people. Grant's shoulders also fall on the duty to help Hammond's grandchildren, and the completely defenceless children have taken refuge in the darkest corners of the jungle covering the island.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Jurassic Park (1993) Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Developer: Ocean

Publisher: Ocean

Age restrictions: 12+