John Tiller's Battleground Napoleonic Wars

John Tiller's Battleground Napoleonic Wars


Release Date: November 8, 2007

RPG, Napoleonic era, classic RPG, multiplayer, singleplayer, PBeM

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John Tiller's Battleground Napoleonic Wars is a set of turn-based war strategies, treating the 18th and 19th century conquests of Napoleon Bonaparte. The package consists of a battle-oriented Age of Sail game and a compilation of three land-based titles - Battleground 3: Waterloo, Battleground 6: Napoleon in Russia and Battleground 8: Prelude to Waterloo.

John Tiller's Battleground Napoleonic Wars is a set of turn-based war strategies, treating the 18th and 19th century conquests of Napoleon Bonaparte. The package consists of a battle-oriented Age of Sail game and a compilation of three land-based titles - Battleground 3: Waterloo, Battleground 6: Napoleon in Russia and Battleground 8: Prelude to Waterloo.

All projects offer an extensive database of historical information that has been used to create a plot that stimulates our military activities. Following in the footsteps of the French Emperor, we take part in the clashes at Borodino and Gettysburg, and we get a chance to change the fate of the infamous Battle of Waterloo.

Playing the role of the commander of the army of many thousands of people, we plan the next movements of our charges and decide in what condition they will stand up to fight with the enemy's troops. We give orders during 15-minute rounds, using a dozen or so simple commands. The effects of the actions taken can be seen in isometric projection. In addition, on each of the boards we can switch between 3D and 2D views, as well as zoom in and out of the camera, so that we get a full overview of the events taking place in the virtual world.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

John Tiller's Battleground Napoleonic Wars Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Age restrictions: none

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John Tiller's Battleground Napoleonic Wars System Requirements

PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Recommended: Pentium III 800 MHz, 256 MB RAM, graphic card 32 MB, 1.2 GB HDD, Windows 98 SE/2000/XP/Vista