Iridion II

Iridion II


Release Date: May 29, 2003

Action, FPP, Nintendo exclusive, singleplayer

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The second part of a very interesting space shooter. Sequel primarily has more levels and a wider range of gameplay modes to offer. Graphics are also still at a high level.

More than a hundred years have passed since the Earth was attacked by the vicious IRIDION forces. Legend tells of a single brave SHN Fighter pilot who found his way to destroy the evil IRIDION mainframe. After this glorious victory, all remaining enemy ships disappeared from known space. Humans began to colonize the planet systems of the IRIDION home galaxy. Peace and freedom came back to mankind. The IRIDION menace was history.

Until now.

Within only one day, all communication with the human space outposts had been lost. The last transmissions made it clear that the IRIDION Empire had returned and have taken over all colonized systems. Planet Earth is too far away to send help in time. Again only a single, but powerfully equipped spaceship is within reach to stop the IRIDION forces before they can go on to attack the last remaining planet of human beings... Earth.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Iridion II Summary


Game Boy Advance

Game Boy Advance

Developer: Shin'en Multimedia

Publisher: Vivendi Games