Hunting Simulator Video Game Series
Hunting Simulator Series Evolution
Hunting Simulator 2
Hunting Simulator
Hunting Simulator 2
June 25, 2020
The second part of the hunter simulator series, developed by Neopica studio. In Hunting Simulator 2 we hunt, making use of a wide range of weapons and gadgets and with the help of one of the three dogs.
Hunting Simulator
June 9, 2017
Developed by the independent Neopica studios and published by BigBen Interactive - Hunting Simulator delivers a realistic hunting experience, keeping it at the core of its gameplay. Players get to track animals representing 37 different species, including male and female predators, aquatic birds, as well as both big and small game inhabiting the flat lands. Depending on the game one intends to hunt, the players travel to one of the twelve available hunting areas, such as Canadian boreal forests, mountains in Colorado, and French chaparral. During the hunt, one has a large arsenal at their disposal, including not only firearms but also bows and crossbows. Among the available pieces of gear, one can find various lures, reconnaissance drones, and special wind direction indicating powders. Additionally, the gameplay is significantly affected by both changing weather conditions and the day and night cycle. The game features both single player and co-op multiplayer modes.