"Hoyle Kids Games" is a set of fifteen separate mini-games dedicated to children of all ages (however, a minimum age of five is recommended) from the popular Sierra "Hoyle" series of games.
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Hoyle Kids Games Description
"Hoyle Kids Games" is a set of fifteen separate mini-games dedicated to children of all ages (however, a minimum age limit of five years is recommended), from the popular Sierra "Hoyle" game series. This product allows young users to play the role of a dozen different, friendly characters (from a gentle and nice dinosaur, going through a Dalmatian, ending with a pony named Pens), or create their own character, thanks to a specially prepared for this purpose option. A rich package of games gives you a large and, what is important, a varied choice. You can find here such items as ordinary checkers, fish expedition or the popular game "snake", as well as more demanding logical games. The ability to play for up to four people at the same time at the same computer allows parents and their children to spend many pleasant moments at the same time. Uncomplicated, simple and fast installation, low system requirements, as well as colorful, nice graphic design and equally interesting musical arrangement make this set willingly reach not only the youngest children, but also their caretakers (some of the available mini-games, due to their high playability, can attract the attention of the player for a few longer moments).
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Last updated on August 14, 2015