A real-time strategy game with action elements by Rage Software. The production is set in the year 2032, when the world is at peace and the nations are trying to build a global civilization. This state of affairs is unacceptable for former higher-ups and military officers, who are gathering a private army on a Pacific island to destabilize the political situation and return to their previous lifestyle.
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising is a 3D strategy game that takes us to the year 2032. The Earth has achieved global peace and all nations cooperate in order to create a universal civilization. Unfortunately, some former high officials and military officers refuse to conform to the new state of affairs, and decide to secretly raise an army on one of the many islands of the Pacific. Their goal is to destabilize the political situation and put the world back on the track of the old ways. The global disarmament and lack of any local conflicts are the most favourable circumstances.
The only hope for humanity is the eponymous Antaeus, the last remaining of a line of super cruisers equipped with on-board nano-machine facilities that allowed them to create all kinds of combat units: tanks, choppers, planes and so on. The vehicles are operated by the minds of dead soldiers, reused after their death thanks to the Soulcatcher technology. Antaeus utilizes the remains of its energy resources to create her crew and sets out for one last fight. The ship’s goal is to infiltrate a suspicious island archipelago and destroy the enemy's main base of operations.
The campaign is divided into 21 missions, during which we will have to fight against more than 20 types of enemy units that use both human and alien technology. The game has a unique system of unit control and management that allows us to operate up to 15 vehicles simultaneously. Moreover, we can do so in full 3D mode (first- or third-person) or the classic RTS aerial view. The picture-in-picture technology enables us to keep track of unit movement, important areas, tasks and so on.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
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Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Rage Software
Publisher: Interplay Entertainment
Age restrictions: 16+
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium II 300MHz, 128MB RAM, graphic card