Garfield's Nightmare

Garfield's Nightmare


Release Date: March 1, 2007

Arcade, comics, Nintendo exclusive, singleplayer

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Garfield's Nightmare is a platform game from the series, presenting the adventures of a kitten that everyone likes. This time the brave hero has to face the nightmares that torment him. The only way to win with sleepy mars is an alarm clock, which the kitten smashed in the real world.

Play and interact with your favourite feline as you help him on his quest to end his nightmare. There are lots of enemies and crazy challenges along the way so think fast and play smart to save the day – and night for Garfield.

Garfield has eaten a “small” snack before bedtime, which included some pizzas, a couple of lasagnes and two bags of jelly donuts. As it turns out, this was a tiny bit too much, even for Garfield! Consequently, as he snoozes, his nightmare slowly begins…

Garfield is at home, but not in the real world. It is a bizarre dream world populated by the monsters of Garfield's fantasy. Although he loves sleeping, Garfield wants to end this horrible dream as soon as possible; however, he smashed his little alarm clock in the real world. He knows his only chance is to find the shattered pieces in his dream and put them together to wake him up!

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Garfield's Nightmare Summary