Sequel is a groundbreaking space simulator Elite, where we can once again traverse galactic trails in a realistically constructed universe.
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Frontier: Elite II Description
Frontier is the second part of the excellent Elite space simulator, whose production lasted more than five years. As one of the few games can boast a very fast code, which was written entirely in the assembler. Compared to the famous predecessor, the rules of the game have not changed fundamentally.
We get the simplest model of a spacecraft and we wander around the galaxy earning credits for commercial and combat missions. We can trade, fight, prosecute fugitives and criminals, work for the government and perform many other paid tasks.
Game is one of the few attempts to simulate the whole of our Galaxy, containing about 100,000,000,000 planets and moons. This is also the first game in which the sizes of the planets were real, and from the orbit you can see the whole city. Planets orbit and rotate around their own axis as in the real universe. Standing in one place of the orbit we can see sunrises and sunsets, the change in the position of stars and planets on the sky, and even eclipses of planets by our own moons.
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Last updated on August 14, 2015
in Elite Game Series
Game Series
Elite Series
A series of space simulators with a strongly developed economic aspect. The series is developed by the Frontier Developments development studio.
6 video games
Frontier: Elite II Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Frontier Developments
Publisher: Gametek
Age restrictions: none
Frontier: Elite II System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: IMB AT, 4MB RAM