A mobile installment of the series of Formula 1 themed racing games created by Codemasters, genre veterans from Great Britain. As per title, F1 2016 Mobile recreates the 2016 season, with the game using authentic teams, vehicles, and circuits. During the gameplay, we can race head-to-head with F1 icons such as Lewis Hamilton, Sebastian Vettel, Max Verstappen, Fernando Alonso, or Sergio Perez.
Videos and Screens
[1:00] F1 2016 Mobile launch trailer
F1 2016 Mobile Description
F1 2016 is a Formula 1 themed racing game, created exclusively for Apple iOS devices. It’s a paid “premium” title - that means that the game doesn’t employ microtransactions. Even if the title is the same as in the case of PCs and consoles, it’s a separate project, created by Codemasters with mobile market in mind.
The title of the game seems to explain the whole idea. We receive a racing game that recreates season 2016 of Formula 1. The authors took care to acquire all the necessary licenses, with the game sporting real teams, vehicles, and race tracks. During the gameplay, we race head-to-head with F1 icons such as Lewis Hamilton, Sebastian Vettel, Max Verstappen, Fernando Alonso, or Sergio Perez. In all, the developing team prepared twenty-one faithfully recreated tracks, while the game maintains its realistic feel thanks to virtual recreations of twenty-two drivers and eleven teams.
Mobile version of F1 2016, created for iOS, places heavy emphasis on realism. The authors incorporated a complex physics engine, faithfully simulating Formula One cars' handling during races. Controlling the vehicle during high speeds is a real challenge, but for less experienced players, a number of settings affecting the difficulty level were introduced, including braking and turning support.
Game Modes
Players can go through a full F1 season on their own, or create a customized season, where the number, location, and the type of races are up to their disposal. Persons interested in shorter playspans, can take on single races, and a bit more complex weekend competitions.
Last updated on November 29, 2016
in F1 (Codemasters) Game Series
Game Series
F1 (Codemasters) Series
A series of Formula One car racing simulations, developed under the official license of Formula One World Championship Limited. The series was created by the British studio Codemasters, known for such games as Colin McRae: DiRT 2 and Race Driver: Grid.
17 video games
F1 2016 Mobile Summary
Apple iOS
Developer: Codemasters
Publisher: Codemasters
Age restrictions: none