The fourth expansion pack for the second installment in a series of popular MMORPGs developed by Daybreak Game Company since 1999. The expansion takes the player to the titular Kunark, which is a land inhabited by a race of humanoid lizards known as the Sarnak. The story focuses here on conflicts between rival factions of the Sarnak, Dragons and the Iksar Empire.
Videos and Screens
[1:01] EverQuest II: Rise of Kunark Kunark ascending
[1:15] EverQuest II: Rise of Kunark Shard of Hate
EverQuest II: Rise of Kunark Description
Centuries of war have left their mark on the continent of Kunark. Explore this massive region as your existing character or as the new playable race – The Sarnak – and discover a world full of intrigue and danger. Engage in all-new adventures as you embark on a crusade to reveal the truth of the wars between the reborn Iksar Empire, Sarnaks, and Dragons and uncover artifacts long since thought lost to history. The lush, nostalgic continent of Kunark begins your courageous path from the new starting city in Timorous Deep.
Rise of Kunark is the fourth expansion pack for the critically acclaimed EverQuest II franchise. With the introduction of the new playable race, the Sarnak, and new starting area, Timorous Deep, Rise of Kunark provides a full range of content for new player's levels 1-20 as well as advanced, high level players whom can now achieve up to level 80 in high level zones, both increasing their Adventure and Tradeskill classes.
Rise of Kunark includes many highly-detailed areas that are fondly remembered from EverQuest as well as brand new areas only recently unearthed! Hundreds of new quests, dozens of new NPCs, brand new Epic Weapon quests for each class, and new armor sets await those who dare set foot on this fabled continent.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
EverQuest II: Rise of Kunark Summary
PC / Windows
EverQuest II: Rise of Kunark System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium 4 2 GHz, 1 GB RAM, graphic card 128 MB (GeForce 4 Ti4400 or better), 6 GB HDD, Windows 98/Me/2000/XP, Internet connection
Base Gamefor EverQuest II: Rise of Kunark