A MMORPG by Eyedentity Games and a sequel of the 2010 production originally released in Asia and 3 years later in Europe. Dragon Nest 2 is set in the magical fantasy land known from the first installment, although it takes place in another period.
Dragon Nest II: Legend Description
Dragon Nest 2 is an MMO role-playing game and a sequel to the popular production released in Asia in 2010 and three years later in Europe. The game was developed by the original creator, Korean studio Eyedentity Games.
The game is set in the same magical fantasy land as the first installment, although it takes place in another period. Compared to the original, Dragon Nest 2 features a range of differences. The biggest one is the change of the setting to a large, open world, which you can freely explore – the first installment consisted mostly of self-contained dungeons. Moreover, the visual style of the game was changed from cartoonish to realistic.
The best elements of the original have been preserved, including the intuitive controls system and dynamic combat. The combat mechanics resemble those from action games and to succeed you need to rely first and foremost on your skills, while your character stats are of minor importance.
Last updated on June 7, 2017
Dragon Nest II: Legend Summary
PC / Windows
Android OS
Apple iOS
Developer: Eyedentity Games
Publisher: Nexon
Age restrictions: 12+
Dragon Nest II: Legend System Requirements
Android OS
Additional information: Internet connection is required.
Apple iOS
Additional information: Internet connection is required.