The next installment of the popular series of logical games by JoyBits, based on creative combination of various elements in order to obtain completely new items. This time the authors take us on a journey to the medieval kingdom of fantasy, full of castles, knights, dragons and wizards.
Videos and Screens
Doodle Kingdom Description
It’s time to get MEDIEVAL!
From the creators of the award winning puzzle games Doodle God & Doodle Devil, comes a fantasy brain-teaser where you can quest as a Dragon, Warlock and Knight! Daring adventure awaits you in this fantastical fantasy Kingdom where you can breed and raise four different types of Dragons, engage in “runner style” combat and bring your medieval fantasies to life!
Puzzle game play has been completed re-imagined in this ALL ages fantasy adventure. Create a New Kingdom Today!
Last updated on August 14, 2015