


Release Date: cancelled

RPG, fantasy, action RPG, multiplayer, internet, LAN

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Action/cRPG game designed exclusively for multiplayer gameplay. Players move to an alternative fantasy world where they can create their hero and follow a mysterious storyline.

Dominion is an Action/cRPG game designed exclusively for multiplayer gameplay. The action takes place in an alternative fantastic fantasy world with different topography (forests, deserts, swamps, caves, underground lands, etc.). Players can create their characters, gradually develop their skills, travel through a variety of lands and discover more cards of the mysterious plot. During the voyage various characters led by advanced AI can join us. Over time, we will create one harmonious team, but unlike the classic cRPGs, where we have total control over it, here each of the NPCs decides for themselves and their own actions.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

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PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Developer: Pharaoh Productions

Age restrictions: 12+