Original, the first part of the egg-shaped creature's adventures, originally written for ZX Spectrum computers by two brothers hiding under the pseudonym Oliver Twins. The action of the game takes us to a small village near Kathmandu, whose inhabitants are influenced by a spell cast by the evil wizard Zaks. Dizzy's task will be to find the ingredients of the concoction needed to finally get rid of the magician.
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Dizzy: The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure Description
The original, first part of the adventure of the egg-shaped creature, originally written for ZX Spectrum computers by two brothers, hiding under the pseudonym Oliver Twins. The action of the game takes us to a small village near Kathmandu, whose inhabitants are influenced by a spell cast by the evil wizard Zaks. Everyone, without exception, ages at a fast pace and if nothing is done, only empty houses will remain after the settlement. Luckily, a cheerful, egg-shaped creature named Dizzy appeared in the area, who accidentally got to know the way to defeat the magician and intends to put it into practice. Although at first glance Dizzy: The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure evokes associations with arcade games, this is the only way to describe the program that would be harmful to it. The authors also put a lot of emphasis on the elements characteristic for adventures and they will decide on the final success.
The task of the player is to explore the land and make the right use of the fighting objects here and there. Dizzy can carry only one thing, so you should think carefully about what he needs at the moment. Items are divided into two types: single and multiple use. The former disappear from the inventory immediately after use, while the latter can be lifted and dropped at will. These include, first of all, things by means of which we will eliminate external threats: e.g. birds, spiders or falling rain drops. The game is relatively difficult: arcade fans may find it difficult to find the correct use of the item, while adventure enthusiasts will swear at the action. The biggest threat are numerous creatures, every contact with them ends in death, and as usual, the number of "live" is limited.
As Dizzy: The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure is a simple conversion with ZX Spectrum, this and the audiovisual setting does not knock you to your knees. Music is generated from Speaker's PC and although the main theme is pretty good, the buzzing can lead to a shoemaker's passion. Unfortunately, Dizzy's graphic effects are also not enchanting, sometimes the animation fails, it's also a pity that they didn't try to get more colors.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Dizzy: The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Oliver Twins
Publisher: Codemasters
Age restrictions: none
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Dizzy: The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: 286, 640 KB RAM