Disney's Enchanted

Disney's Enchanted


Release Date: November 6, 2007

Adventure, movies, action adventure, Nintendo exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer, LAN

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A combination of a platformer and a simple adventure game. The whole is based on Disney's film under the same title. We explore both New York and the fairy-tale land of Andalusia.

Inspired by the Walt Disney Pictures film, Enchanted: The Video

Game invites you to live the fairy tale in animated Andalasia and

wear your tiara in real world New York City. Play as Giselle,

Prince Edward, and Pip to relive key moments of the film as well

as discover new adventures. Now you too can find your own Happily

Ever After.

Enchanted for Nintendo DS follows the story of Giselle, a princess

banished from a fairy tale animated land to modern-day Manhattan.

Players take on the roles of Giselle, Prince Edward and Giselle's

trusted chipmunk friend Pip in adventures that span both mythical

Andalasia and real-world New York City with film-inspired and

original gameplay elements.

Each character has their own magical skills and talents to get out

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

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