A continuation of the third-person perspective hack and slash released by Capcom in 2001, which told a story of Dante – a half-demon and destroyer of evil. In this part, his adventures combine with the story of a warrior called Lucia – they both intend to stop a businessman named Arius from resurrecting a demon and acquiring superhuman powers that would make him rule the world.
A continuation of adventures of Dante – a half-demon and evil suppressor. Devil May Cry 2 for PS2 is composed of two games in one.
Apart from the white-haired hero’s story, there is also a full-fledged adventure concerning a warrior named Lucia, who also tries to save the world. Of course, fates of the two will interweave as they both follow the diabolic businessman Arius. Finally, they come across a mystery of ancient relics that evil forces can use to conquer the world.
Gameplay remains practically unchanged and still centres on fighting with hordes of creatures. There is a wider variety of them if compared to the first Devil May Cry. The game features a shift from the gothic and chamber style of the first part to a new scenery: modern city with skyscrapers and mazes of streets. Because of this change, many fights can be avoided by simply running away from the hordes of monsters in big, open areas.
Dante and Lucia are designed so as to supplement each other’s differences – he is strong but slow, she is fast and agile, yet weaker. Their missions are short – each takes 4-5 hours – and quite similar. Both take place in industrial surroundings, while some of Lucia’s adventures happen underwater.
The only weapon the heroine can use there is a crossbow with a pack of bombs. However, the huntress primarily uses melee weapons – a pair of hand blades and throwing daggers. Dante has, of course, his humongous sword and the inseparable guns – white, called Ivory, and black, called Ebony. He can also use new types of weapons, i.e. a devilish shotgun and a rocket launcher.
Both heroes have the power of transforming into demons. It gives them new powers (e.g. flying) and attacks, and due to their intensified strength and defence, they can eliminate enemies and brutal bosses even more effectively. Similarly to the first instalment, heroes and items can be developed by orbs. Devil May Cry 2 published on PS2 introduces a broken amulet – each of nine hidden fragments enhances abilities of the demon forms of the two warriors.
The game grants some bonuses after finishing it, like additional outfits for Dante and Lucia and more difficult game modes.
Last updated on May 1, 2016
December 18, 2017
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow of Devil May Cry series
For a game that wasn’t even planned, the first Devil May Cry turned out to be truly groundbreaking. Of course, this generated subsequent follow-ups. The history of the franchise is one big sinusoid, but that just makes the story all the more interesting.

Videos and Screens
Nintendojo: by Andy Hoover
In short, f you’re absolutely desperate for more demonic combat and can’t wait for the all-but-inevitable release of the far superior Devil May Cry 3, then I suppose there are worse options than giving this disappointing sequel a try.
Nintendo Life: 4 / 10 by PJ O'Reilly
Devil May Cry 2 is quite rightly regarded as a misstep for the now storied franchise; a confused and oddly bland game with a nonsensical story, boring level design, terrible enemy AI and a central protagonist who has seriously lost his mojo. There's some fun to be had here and there by virtue of the fact it is a Devil May Cry game; that signature combat still intact, despite the fact it never really attempts to put your skills to the test. Still, there's no escaping the reality that this is one entry in the series you can absolutely skip without feeling like you missed anything. Roll on Devil May Cry 3.
Video Chums: 6.1 / 10 by A.J. Maciejewski
Although it's a huge letdown when compared to the timeless original, Devil May Cry 2 is still a solid and enjoyable 3D action game.
in Devil May Cry Game Series
Game Series
Devil May Cry Series
A series of action games with gameplay focused on spectacular combat sequences, considered to be some of the best slashers on the market. Devil May Cry ranks among the most important brands in the publishing portfolio of Japanese company Capcom.
10 video games
Devil May Cry 2 Summary
Switch September 19, 2019
PlayStation 2 January 25, 2003
Devil May Cry 2 System Requirements
PlayStation 2
Supports: memory card 8 MB