Demon's Souls (2009)
Release Date: February 5, 2009
RPG, TPP, fantasy, co-op, action RPG, soulslike, PlayStation exclusive, PS Plus Premium, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet
A dark and brutal action RPG developed by the Japanese From Software studio in cooperation with Atlus. The story is set in the kingdom of Boletaria. The realm's overambitious king wished to obtain even more power and attempted to make a deal with dark forces. As a result, powerful evil has awakened.
Demon's Souls for PS3 is a dark action game with emphasis on role-playing elements. The game displays substantial amounts of brutality, thus is fit only for adult audience. The story is set in a dark fantasy world resembling the medieval period. The game was developed by the Japanese From Software studio, also popular for the well-received King's Field series. Demon's Souls is considered to be conveying the spirit of that franchise.
The story in Demon's Souls for PS3 is set in the kingdom of Boletaria, whose overambitious king decided he could obtain even greater power and got involved with impure forces. In so doing, the king awakened great evil - hordes of demons absorbing human souls. The protagonist is the only hope humanity has.
At the beginning, the player has to create a character. Apart from the most obvious choices the player has to make (name, gender, appearance), the game offers ten character classes such as Knight, Hunter, Magician or Thief. Each of these classes comes with completely different statistics, levels, gear and spells. Despite the fact the game has its main storyline, the player is not forced to follow any pre-defined route. Instead, the game offers a great deal of freedom in terms of exploration.
In the game, the player makes use of many different weapons. Each of them has their own unique attacks and character animations – depending on the skills of the protagonist, whether he wields one- or two-handed weapon. The game world and its inhabitants are all subjects to the laws of physics, thus the player has many tactical possibilities. In combat, the protagonist is capable of using the magic-based spells and faith-based miracles, thus the protagonist deals with enemies not only by means of cold steel. The character development is player-dependant, because the souls of the fallen enemies can be spent to develop different attributes. Also, souls serve the role of a currency in the game - the player can upgrade their weapons or buy new ones for the souls gathered.
Importantly, it is a difficult game and the player will often see the protagonist dying. Death is not the ultimate end however – the creators were inspired by Diablo in this respect – the souls the player managed to gather before death remain in the location of the death. If the player reaches the spot again, they can collect the souls they previously left. If they die while trying to do so, however, the souls are lost irreversibly. Reaching the protagonist's body after death is difficult, for the avatar is in the form of a ghost or a phantom. As a result, the player has only half of the health their character usually has, and of course the enemies are respawned. Most of them are capable of defeating the protagonist with a single weapon strike or a spell.
The multiplayer mode in Demon's Souls for PS3 is a big feature of the game. It allows the players to leave signs on the ground. Other players can read those signs, containing mostly different kinds of warnings. If another player considers our advice helpful, the character we control regains some health, thus it is worth being generous. The player often stumbles on the spots where other players died. Touching their blood, the player can see what were the exact circumstances of their death. The co-op mode allows to summon another player who is a ghost. If the player is a ghost themselves, they can help the others in their boss fights as well, by leaving an adequate marker on the ground. If the enemy gets defeated, the player regains their body and obtains additional souls. The players can invade their worlds as well, which creates a PvP duel opportunity.
Technical aspects
The graphics in Demon's Souls are decent. The game offers both diverse locations and eye-catching, detailed character models. Bosses are especially impressive, for the models are massive and frightening. The creators deserve a round of applause for designing such an extraordinarily gloomy and convincing universe. Exploration of these is accompanied by minimalistic soundtrack, which is nonetheless impressive.
Last updated on March 8, 2016
Videos and Screens
[1:02] Demon's Souls (2009) False King
[0:58] Demon's Souls (2009) Penetrator
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in Souls Game Series
Game Series
Souls Series
A series of action RPGs, enjoying a cult status among many players. Japanese studio FromSoftware is responsible for its creation, and the entire series is inextricably linked with Hidetaka Miyazaki, who served as production director for most installments.
8 video games
Demon's Souls (2009) Summary
PlayStation 3
Developer: FromSoftware
Publisher: Atlus

Demon's Souls (2009) System Requirements
PlayStation 3
Supports: PlayStation Network

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