The third installment of the popular mobile Logic-Arcade series, in which we set out on a real time travel together with the sympathetic hungry Om Nom and his twin ancestor. However, her goal will always be to get the right amount of sweets.
Videos and Screens
[0:28] Cut the Rope: Time Travel Industrial Age
Cut the Rope: Time Travel Description
Cut the Rope: Time Travel, released on AND and iOS, is the third installment of the best-selling logic-arcade series created by ZeptoLab. This time, together with the creature called Om Nom, we will embark on a journey through time in search of... candies!
Cut the Rope: Time Travel offers lot of new, varied levels, set in six different time zones. During the game, we will travel to the Middle Ages, Renaissance, the era of pirates, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and the stone age. The main difference in the game is that instead of Om Nom itself - we will have to feed his ancestor as well. If at least one of the creatures remains hungry, you will have to start the game from the beginning.
As in the previous editions of the series, we will feed our starving creatures by cutting the ropes with sweets. The fun is made difficult by various "disturbances" in the form of machines and devices characteristic for particular epochs. In the third installment of the series, the authors significantly increased the level of difficulty. After trivially simple initial levels, the difficulty increases very fast, and obtaining three stars in each stage is a pleasure reserved for the cleverest players.
Technical aspects
Technically, Cut the Rope: Time Travel doesn't introduce any changes to the proven, colorful and funny graphics. The difference is the fact that the individual stages were made in the style of the corresponding periods.
Last updated on August 23, 2019
Cut the Rope: Time Travel Summary
Game Series: Cut the Rope
Android OS April 19, 2013
Apple iOS April 18, 2013
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