Creatures: Village is the next installment of an excellent series of games simulating virtual intelligent life, dedicated to both the youngest and slightly older computer users. In the game we guide the development of creatures called Norns.
Creatures: Village Description
This is a special world, inhabited by the amazing virtual life forms known as Norns. These cuddly little creatures have their own Digital DNA, brains and biochemistry. They learn and think for themselves but they need you to love them, care for them and play with them.
The adventure starts the moment you hatch your first baby Norn in the Nestery and begin to explore the giant Creatures Village world with them.
Norns live on your computer and need to sleep, eat and play. Care for them, explore with them, but most of all, love them!
Do you dare walk through the spooky forest?
Or would you like to fly through Cloud Land in a magical sky boat?
Perhaps your Norns fancy a day out at the fair where they can ride the big wheel and eat hot dogs and candy floss until they burst!
Discover the inhabitants of Albia, from butterflies to fish and from mischievous Ettins to nasty, disease-ridden Grendels!
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Creatures: Village Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Gameware Development Ltd
Publisher: Fusion Software
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