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Concord news and interesting facts

Concord Players Fight for Platinum Trophy While Others Wonder About the Fate of Another Sony's Online Game

Jacob Blazewicz, 04 September 2024, 06:19

Concord players are rushing to get all the achievements in the game before the announced shutdown of the servers.

Gamers Have Been Forecasting Sony's New Shooter 'Death' Since Its Release. Analysts Estimate Sales and Point out Reasons for Concord's Failure

Kamil Kleszyk, 02 September 2024, 05:32

Developers from Firewalk Studios are facing problems as their shooter, Concord, „enjoys” little interest. Analysts give reasons for the failure and estimate the game's sales.

Sony's New Shooter Is Out of Favor on Steam. Announcement of No Season Pass May Help Concord

Jacob Blazewicz, 25 July 2024, 03:02

Concord will never have battle passes, but will that be enough to get players interested in another non-free hero shooter?

Concord Shooter Could Be Sony's Next PC Game With PSN Requirement

Martin Bukowski, 06 June 2024, 04:21

Sony keeps putting its foot down and pushing PSN accounts on PC. Concord is also likely to join the list of titles with such a requirement. We also learned the game's PS Store prices.

Concord is a New Shooter From Firewalk Studios

Christian Pieniazek, 24 May 2023, 23:53

Firewalk Studios, which was recently acquired by Sony Interactive Entertainment, showed us its latest work. We are talking about the multiplayer sci-fi shooter titled Concord.