The next installment of the famous series of hunting games. We play the role of a hunter, proceeding to various hunts, played out on interestingly realized maps.
Cabela's Deer Hunt 2004 Season is another game dealing with hunting. We play as a hunter and proceed to conduct professional hunts, organized in many different corners of the globe. It is worth noting at this point, that the Deer Hunt series has seen many different games, not only for PC but also for popular consoles. This edition was released on PlayStation 2 and Xbox. Both versions present a very similar quality of execution. This applies in particular to gameplay. The only major differences are in the visuals. The version for Microsoft's console has a bit more to offer in this particular field.
Like the other games in the series, we can choose between two basic game modes. Quick Hunt enables us to proceed right to the hunting ground, without the need to select the equipment or to track animals for a longer time. So we can only focus on making our shots true. However, the Career Hunt mode looks much more interesting, in which we enter more or less complicated missions. Even before we start playing properly, we have to decide on one of the hunter characters proposed by the game. These people differ from each other by strictly defined parameters, describing, among other things, endurance, agility, or the ability to remain in hiding.
Hunting is organized in nine basic locations. These include Arizona, Canada, Alaska, Wyoming, and New Mexico. The maps prepared by the devs are very extensive. We can also move around them freely. There are no artificial restrictions. Equally important is the choice of appropriate equipment. In the first place, we have to decide on one of the available rifles. However, we can also take a bow or a hunting crossbow with us. In addition, we have to take care of additional equipment - binoculars or appropriate camouflage. To move around the map we can also use various means of transport, e.g. quad or off-road car.
We have a dozen or so different species of animals oo track down. These include deer, elks, and bears. The hunted animals go to a special room where they are displayed as trophies. The controls have been adapted to the capabilities of console joypads. It is worth mentioning that less experienced players can count on a number of simplifications, helping to stabilize the image while aiming with the use of a scope. Visually, the game is quite average. However, one should pay attention to the aforementioned extensive locations, which are also quite diverse.
Last updated on May 16, 2020
Cabela's Deer Hunt 2004 Season Summary
PlayStation 2 August 21, 2003
Xbox August 26, 2003
Developer: Fun Labs
Publisher: Activision Blizzard
Age restrictions: 12+
Cabela's Deer Hunt 2004 Season System Requirements
PlayStation 2
Supports: memory card