Buzz! Junior: Dino Den

Buzz! Junior: Dino Den


Release Date: February 22, 2008

Party, splitscreen, PlayStation exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer

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Buzz! Junior: Dino Den is a simple game for the whole family. This is the fourth part of the series addressed to the youngest, which exercises team playing skills and imagination, while offering a large dose of entertainment. Cohort Studios is responsible for the production, and the title was published by Sony.

Set in the prehistoric time of the dinosaurs, players find themselves in a land of volcanoes, geysers and festering mud pools - ideal for a refreshing dino bath! There are a mammoth 35 multiplayer games for the four cheeky playable Dinos to get their claws into including stone age go-kart racing, T-Rex riding and caveman dunking. Players compete for Dino eggs and the Dino with the biggest egg collection at the end is crowned king of the Dinos.

Buzz! Junior: Dino Den is the fourth title in the critically-acclaimed Buzz! Junior series and features lots of exciting ways to play, including the brand new Team mode where players can join forces to compete in 10 unique 2vs2 team games. Players can also compete in every-Dino-for-themselves action as the Dinos work their way over treacherous lava rivers, frozen lakes and muddy pools.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

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Buzz! Junior: Dino Den Summary

Buzz! Junior: Dino Den System Requirements

Sony PlayStation 2

PlayStation 2

Supports: memory card 8MB