Breaking Point Standalone

Breaking Point Standalone


Release Date: TBA

Action, FPP, zombie, post-apocalypse, sandbox, survival, indie games, co-op, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet

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A stand-alone version of one of the most popular modifications to Arma III, changing this tactical shooting into a sandbox survival simulator in the world after the zombie apocalypse. Breaking Point Standalone runs on Unreal Engine 4 graphics engine and significantly develops many elements of the original mechanics.

Breaking Point Standalone, available on PC, is a survival sandbox set in the world after the outbreak of a zombie epidemic. It is also a stand-alone version of one of the most popular modifications to Arma III by Bohemia Interactive studio. After the success of the mod, the developers from the Canadian modder group BP Team decided to follow in the footsteps of the creators of the famous DayZ by creating an independent - but much more complex - version of the mod, without the limitations imposed by the original engine.


In terms of mechanics, Breaking Point Standalone is a sandbox survival simulator in which playyers have to face hordes of zombies. The essence of the game is, therefore, the survival aspects - the player must take care of satisfying the basic needs of their character, such as hunger and thirst. The player can also obtain the necessary materials and use them to craft useful items and weapons. These, in turn, are necessary in case of close contact with brainless enemies and other dangers of the world.

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Last updated on April 10, 2019

Breaking Point Standalone Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Developer: BP Team

Age restrictions: 18+

Arma III Breaking Point mod goes standalone

Breaking Point, a popular zombie mod for Arma III, is going to receive a standalone version based on Unreal Engine 4. The project's creators are planning to launch a Kickstarter campaign soon.

video games

June 22, 2016

Arma III Breaking Point mod goes standalone