Boot Camp Academy

Boot Camp Academy


Release Date: May 11, 2010

Arcade, humorous, minigames, splitscreen, Nintendo exclusive, multiplayer, singleplayer, hot seat

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Boot Camp Academy is a set of arcade mini-games by Zoo Games development studio. Players have the opportunity to play the role of a military recruit and undergo "training", including parachute jumping and terrain racing, but also making pumps and washing dishes. The game allows for a multi-player game with up to four participants.

Boot Camp Academy is a production by a game developer Zoo Games designed for lovers of casual, arcade gameplay and military themes. The game is characterized by simple gameplay and tons of humor.

Single player features 3 modes of play. Quickplay allows you to take on a chosen mini-game. Total War has you conquer new territories by performing missions designed by developers. In turn, Boot camp is a campaign in which you have to follow orders given by your commander. Multiplayer lets up to 4 people play together in split screen or hot seat.

The game offers 19 mini-games in total, and each of them can be played in one of two difficulty levels. There is a variety of objectives – from parachuting, through flying a plane, military jeeps races, ending with push-ups contest or washing dishes in a canteen.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Boot Camp Academy Summary