Operation North is an add-on created by Dark Fox group for Blitzkrieg, a popular real-time strategy. This time, under the command of the player, the famous Wehrmacht unit "North" was handed over, with the task of conquering two Soviet cities.
Blitzkrieg: Operation North Description
Blitzkrieg. Operation North developed by Dark Fox is an extension to the Blitzkrieg game by Nival Interactive. The extension offers 20 new missions divided into two large chapters describing the WWII time from summer 1941 to spring 1943. The first chapter is dedicated to the operations of Army Group North advancing from East Prussia to Pskov and Leningrad through the Baltics. The second chapter represents missions linked together into a single large-scale offensive defensive campaign of blockaded Leningrad liberation and further Red Army counter-offensive.
# Two new large-scale campaigns describing the Red Army's and the Wehrmacht confrontation in the northern sector of the Eastern Front.
# Reconstruction of the historical events combined with the creation of the hypothetic missions: blockaded Leningrad and the Road of Life, battles of Riga, Pskov, Vilnius etc.
# Missions complication worthy of real commanders.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Blitzkrieg: Operation North Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Dark Fox
Age restrictions: 12+
Base Gamefor Blitzkrieg: Operation North