Beyond Good & Evil HD

Beyond Good & Evil HD


Release Date: March 2, 2011

Action, TPP, remaster/remake, singleplayer

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A remastered edition of a cult 3D action adventure game by Michael Ancel, the creator of the Rayman franchise. Beyond Good & Evil HD introduces a bunch of improvements, mainly connected to the audiovisual layer of the production, developed with PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in mind.

Beyond Good & Evil HD is a digitally distributed (Xbox Live Arcade) re-release of the iconic stealth action game created by Michel Ancel (previously released on PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox, and GameCube). The developers from Ubisoft introduced a number of adjustments, mostly focusing on upgrading the audiovisuals.

Beyond Good & Evil HD takes you on the planet Hyllis, inhabited by a peaceful race of Hyllians. Everything would be quite all right, if not for the fact, that the serene world has been invaded by an aggressive alien race, with the intent of conquering its natives. The main heroine is Jade, a young reporter, whom you meet while she is defending her home island from the invaders. After a desperate battle she falls down unconscious, and experiences disturbing visions. It is these visions that make Jade doubtful about the reassuring news that the threat has been averted and the inhabitants of the planet are safe. Jade feels that the invasion involves much more than the government officially admits, and when she learns that her concerns are shared by a rebel organization called IRIS (who rejected the official statement on the matter), she starts an investigation of her own, in order to discover the truth and reveal it to the people.

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Last updated on January 21, 2020

Videos and Screens

[0:36] Beyond Good & Evil HD Launch Trailer

[1:14] Beyond Good & Evil HD launch movie

Beyond Good & Evil HD Summary

Game Series: Beyond Good & Evil


PlayStation 3

PlayStation 3 June 8, 2011

Xbox 360

Xbox 360 March 2, 2011

Developer: Ubisoft

Publisher: Ubisoft

Beyond Good & Evil HD System Requirements

Microsoft Xbox 360

Xbox 360

Supports: Xbox Live

Sony PlayStation 3

PlayStation 3

Supports: PlayStation Network