Atlantis II is a continuation of Atlantis: The Lost Tales adventure released in 1997, which was created under the responsibility of Cryo Interactive studio. The action of the game was set in 1043, and the player directs the actions of Seth's descendant, the main character of the first part. The creators prepared five large areas for exploration, presenting, among others, ancient China, Ireland, Tibet and Yucatán.
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Atlantis II Description
Atlantis II is a sequel to Atlantis: The Lost Tales from 1997. The action starts in 1043, when a mysterious supernova appears in the Crab constellation, lighting the sky even during daytime. It caused reawakening of the bright side of the force, which our grandfather Seth absorbed to defeat the dark side.
We assume the role of Seth’s descendant who bears the key to solving the bright mystery. We will set out for a journey in the world where barbarian tribes struggle with perfectly organized ancient societies. We are going to visit mysterious Tibet, Celtic Ireland, jungle-covered Yucatan and imperial China. In this grand adventure, we will be gradually discovering the mystery of the force until we restore order and harmony in the world again.
- Game world full of incredible mysticism and unique atmosphere.
- Over 60 different characters, such as mages and alchemists, kings, knights, as well as priests and slaves.
- Complex story with multiple plot threads.
- Incredibly realistic graphics.
- Five huge areas to explore, including Tibet, Ireland, Yucatan and China.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Atlantis II Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Cryo Interactive
Publisher: Cryo Interactive
Atlantis II System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: Pentium 233MHz, 64MB RAM