Armed & Dangerous

Armed & Dangerous


Release Date: February 21, 2003

Action, FPP, TPP, science fiction, singleplayer



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Another project of Planet Moon Studios employees, creators of an extraordinary game Giants: Citizen Kabuto. It is a position combining a lot of dynamic action with strategic elements, realized in full three-dimensional graphic design.

Take a band of gun-toting rebels -a robot, a madman, a mole and a criminal mastermind. Put them in a vividly stunning fantasy realm. Then give them an impossible mission - pulling off the biggest heist of all time in the middle of a war. All you have to do is battle your way through dastardly enemies, giant war machines and an army of psychopathic robots. But don't worry; you have plenty of ammo and absolutely no common sense. Victory is yours in 12,000 bullets or less!

# Fight your way through 21 action-packed missions.

# Brandish over 17 outlandish weapons like the Cyclops Sniper Rifle, the Vindaloo Rocket Launcher, or the Topsy-Turvy and Sticky bomb.

# Explore five diverse environments including icy and snowy regions, mountains with breathtaking vistas, deep and foreboding woods, and rain-spattered cliffs.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

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Armed & Dangerous Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows February 21, 2003


Xbox December 2, 2003

Armed & Dangerous System Requirements

Microsoft Xbox


Supports: Xbox Live

Good Humor and Weapons Turning World Upside Down. Armed and Dangerous Is the Last Game in the Spirit of Shiny Entertainment

Good Humor and Weapons Turning World Upside Down. Armed and Dangerous Is the Last Game in the Spirit of Shiny Entertainment

Armed and Dangerous is the second game from Planet Moon Studios that had an original idea for itself. Let's find out what makes it popular even today.

video games

Christian Pieniazek

July 1, 2024

Good Humor and Weapons Turning World Upside Down. Armed and Dangerous Is the Last Game in the Spirit of Shiny Entertainment