Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival

Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival


Release Date: November 13, 2015

Party, Board & card, toys, splitscreen, Nintendo exclusive, cozy game, multiplayer, singleplayer

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Spin-off to the popular Animal Crossing series, designed as an electronic board game, set in the universe of the series that has been developed since 2001 by Nintendo. During the game, we use amiibo figurines and cards, transferred into the game world via special NFC reader.

Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival at Wii U is an interesting production which is a kind of digital board. The title is the responsibility of Nintendo itself, one of the most famous companies in the video games industry, creators of Mario, Zelda and many other brands.

The action takes place in the world of Animal Crossing, and amiibo figures are used to play. In addition, the title uses amiibo cards, which are useful during numerous mini games. While throwing virtual dice we move by several fields and come across a variety of mini games, rewards, and sometimes also traps, through which we lose e.g. virtual money. The main goal is to make our character the happiest inhabitant of the village.

One of the curiosities about Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival, is the fact that the interactive board changes with the seasons, just like the locations in the normal Animal Crossing scenes. The game is designed mainly for multiplayer games, just like in real board games.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Videos and Screens

[1:52] Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival E3 2015 - trailer



in Animal Crossing Game Series

Game Series

Animal Crossing Series

Created and developed by Nintendo, a series of simulation games in which we control the life of our avatar. All titles in the series are available only on Ninntendo consoles and mobile devices.

8 video games

Animal Crossing Game Series

Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival Summary


Nintendo Wii U

Nintendo Wii U

Developer: Nintendo

Publisher: Nintendo

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