The Tale of the Four Dragons is the fifth episode in the Agon adventure series. This time, together with Professor Hunt, who is looking for a solution to the riddle of ancient board games, we are going to Beijing.
Agon: The Tale of the Four Dragons Description
The Tale of the Four Dragons is the fifth of the planned fourteen episodes of an adventure game collectively entitled Agon. Together with Professor Samuel Hunt from the British Art Museum, we set off again on an expedition to discover the secrets of ancient board games.
Since the discovery of the mysterious letter, Professor Hunt has been traveling around the world looking for a solution to an ancient mystery. Tips are scattered in twelve different parts of the globe, so this time the adventure throws us to the Middle Kingdom, and more specifically its capital - Beijing. This item is the most extensive part of the series, and fans of Agona will certainly pay attention to a much improved visual setting.
It is worth mentioning that game developers released two versions of the game on the market - the one just discussed, designed for adventure game fans and the second one, directed rather to casino players, who like to play with Hidden Objects positions. This second version was released under the name Treasures of Peking.
Summary description of the whole game Aion can be found here.
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Last updated on August 14, 2015
Agon: The Tale of the Four Dragons Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Private Moon Studios
Age restrictions: 12+