Adventure Pop

Adventure Pop


Release Date: January 31, 2017

Puzzle, free-to-play, 2D, arcade elements, splitscreen, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet

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A tile-matching game distributed in a free-to-play model. Adventure Pop sees us assume control over Penelope – an adventure seeker that has to face a group of airborne pirates in her search for her missing friends. The game takes place on a two-dimensional field filled with colored marbles. Our job is to clear the area by firing projectiles of a matching color. A successful match clears a set of identical marbles, resulting in additional bonuses.

Adventure Pop is an arcade tile-matching game developed by 505 Games. The game is distributed in a free-to-play model and was released for both major eight-generation consoles, including PS4 and XONE.


We are tasked with helping Penelope – an adventure seeker that has set out upon a journey to find her missing friends. Unfortunately, aggressive pirates, who prey upon other airships in search of treasure, constantly harass her airship.

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Last updated on May 10, 2017

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Adventure Pop Summary


PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4

Xbox One

Xbox One

Developer: 505 Games

Publisher: 505 Games