Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade. Essential Netflix Action Movies (For Big Boys)

Hubert Sosnowski

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade

  1. Genre: adventure
  2. Director: Steven Spielberg
  3. Year of release: 1989

And finally, let's hit some lighter, warmer, more optimistic tones. Though not devoid of adrenaline and danger. Let us hear the cult march that accompanies the adventures of the most famous archaeologist of all time (sorry, Lara). Let the adventure begin. In one of the best adventure films that have been created.

Because it's Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade. An absolute adventure. A timeless fairy tale about a troublemaker and adventurer looking for a great treasure set in specific realities. About his meeting with his father, with whom he can't communicate. About chases, shootings... and forgiveness. Here a figure like Aladdin who fights with German Nazis, and a brave archaeologist, instead of drowning in dust from excavations, swings his whip to prevent criminals from obtaining a priceless and dangerous artifact.

It has every element a movie needs. Romance of the charismatic main character (Harrison Ford at the peak of his capabilities) and his father (Sean Connery in one of the most pleasant roles in his career), adventure and a great mystery. Great danger and enemies. Respect for relics, which is difficult to find in fresh franchises of adventurous cinema. As well as great shots and music by John Williams.

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade is an invitation to a never-ending adventure, to a hectic brawl, where everything is a little bit more dangerous, bigger than life – but also more beautiful, more momentous. It is a land for those who cultivate an eternal dreamer in themselves (because not even a child). And it's not like I was listening to Williams' timeless march when I was finishing this text.

Shots of the fifth Indiana Jones were to start this year, but were postponed to 2021. Harrison Ford has his years, but I still have fingers crossed for this project. And Ford obviously cares about it too. In an interview, not that long ago, he said: "No one can replace Indiana Jones. I'm Indiana Jones!". Let's hope that this time nothing will break in the production process.

Hubert Sosnowski

Author: Hubert Sosnowski

He joined in 2017, as an author of texts about games and movies. Learned how to write articles while working for the Dzika Banda portal. His texts were published on,,, and in the Polish Playboy. Has published stories in the monthly Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror magazine, as well as in the first volume of the Antologii Wolsung. Lives for "middle cinema" and meaty entertainment, but he won't despise any experiment or Fast and Furious. In games, looks for a good story. Loves Baldur's Gate 2, but when he sees Unreal Tournament, Doom, or a good race game, the inner child wakes up. In love with sheds and thrash metal. Since 2012, has been playing and creating live action role-playing, both within the framework of the Bialystok Larp Club Zywia, and commercial ventures in the style of Witcher School.