X4: Foundations - X4 Legacy Music v.1.10 - Game mod - Download

The file X4 Legacy Music v.1.10 is a modification for X4: Foundations, a(n) simulation game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 447.9 MB

Last Update: Sunday, October 4, 2020

Downloads: 432

Last 7 days: 0

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X4 Legacy Music is a mod for X4: Foundations, created by Winghelm.

Description (in author’s own words):

Adds music from previous X games... All of it!

I saw X Rebirth Ambient Music mod here on Nexus and decided to try it. When I looked inside of the mod files I actually changed my mind because I saw the gameripped music in .xwma and awful 96 kbps quality (or something like that) as X Rebirth provided. Not to mention that X Rebirth OST has much more divine music that wasn't included in that mod or the game itself. This all inspired me to make this mod with the best X-clusive selection of X-tracks for you. The X4: Foundations ambient music tracks have a very distinct style - slow, spacey and ethereal, slightly muffled and reverbing, with gentle synths and no or very mild percussion. The XR music blends good with this style unlike some of the tracks from earlier games like X3, X2 or X-Tension which are a whole other animal. Because of this stylistic variety I decided to create various music packs for differing player tastes. ???

Setup guide

Extract "Legacy_Music" folder from archive into [X4 root folder]\Extensions\.

Extract a desired playlist file "sound_library.xml" from archive "!Playlists" folder into [X4 root folder]\Extensions\Legacy_Music\libraries\.

Make sure you don't use any other music mods that alter "sound_library.xml" (including any other X4LM pack) because they won't work together without a compatibility patch. Only those playlists that start with a same digit are interchangeable.

Make sure mod is enabled in extensions menu (usually it is by default).

Have fun, it's mandatory.

  • Last update: Sunday, October 4, 2020
  • Genre: Simulation
  • File size: 447.9 MB