Warlords IV: Heroes of Etheria - v.1.05 - Game update - Download

Game update (patch) to Warlords IV: Heroes of Etheria , a(n) strategy game, v.1.05, added on Monday, July 16, 2007.


File Type: Game update

File Size: 6 MB

Last Update: Monday, July 16, 2007

Downloads: 3971

Last 7 days: 3

Report problems with download: support@gamepressure.com

version: v.1.05

The 1.05 Patch for Warlords IV: Heroes of Etheria contains fixes/changes for the following problems:


* The Merchant skill now increases the chance of a merchant offering an item for sale at cheaper prices (in addition to all previous benefits). The increase is 3% per level with a 2% per level discount. If the side has more than 1500 gold then the chance the item offered is a major instead of a minor goes up by 5% per level.

* The Engineer skill now allows certain sites to be upgraded (in addition to all previous benefits).

Level 1 : A Well may be upgraded to an Aqueduct (cost 1000 gold)

Level 4 : A Forge may be upgraded to a Foundry (cost 1000 gold)

Level 7 : A Farm may be upgraded to an Inn (cost 1000 gold)

Level 10 : A Timbermill may be upgraded to a Windmill (cost 2000 gold)

* The Anti-Magic skill now supresses enemy spells in combat at a rate of 5% per

level (in addition to all previous benefits). Each time a side with the

Anti-Magic skill places a unit in combat a check is made to see if enemy

spells are surpressed against that unit. If the check is successful all enemy

spells are supressed while that unit remains alive. If the check is not

successful then enemy spells remain active. The Magic Immunity skill on

units/items DOES NOT gain this ability!


* The Foundry site was renamed to Forge.

* A new site called an Aqueduct was added that gives +4 life to units.

* A new site called a Foundry was added that gives +2 combat to units.

* After a side reaches 5 Inns, each additional one now gives a diminished effect

of +2% per Inn to the chance of a hero offer.


* The Race Wheel was re-aligned as follows:

1) The Elves move to the Empire spot.

2) The Empire moves to the Dwarves spot.

3) The Dwarves move to the Elves spot.


Dwarves Elves

Dragons Empire

Deamons Minotaurs

Dk Elves Orcs


The opposite races are now:

Knights - Undead

Elves - Dk Elves

Empire - Deamons

Minotaurs - Dragons

Orcs - Dwarves

This fits with the theme of keeping the good races at least 2 neutral races

away from the evil ones. The opposite races on the wheel are matched for

natural hatred and the slayer skills were changed to reflect that.


* Added a new skill of Daemonslayer.

* Added a new skill of Monsterslayer.

* Deathgaze chance was increased by 5% to

Level 1 : 10% chance (formerly 5%)

Level 2 : 15 chance (formerly 10%)

Level 3 : 20 chance (formerly 15%)

Level 4 : 25 chance (formerly 20%)

Level 5 : 30 chance (formerly 25%)


* Swordsmen now get Deathslayer as their primary ability (formerly Dragonslayer)

and Scouting as their secondary ability (formerly Deathslayer).

* Bowmen now get First Strike as their secondaray ability (formerly Scouting).

* Archons are now type Monster (formerly Celestials).

* Elf Guards now get Elfslayer as their primary ability (formerly Dwarfslayer).

* Treants now get Siege as their secondary ability (formerly Build).

* Ballista now get Siege as their secondary ability (formerly Dragonslayer).

However none can be built in cities with the siege skill.

* Cavalry now get Daemonslayer as their secondary ability (formerly Speed +2).

* Minotaurs now get Dragonslayer as their secondary ability (formerly Elfslayer).

* Goblins now get Dwarfslayer as their primary skill (formerly Scavenging).

* Spiders now get Elfslayer as their secondary ability (formerly Speed).

* Soul Gatherers now get Manslayer as their secondary ability (formerly Negate).

* Dragonsknights now get Giantslayer as their secondary ability (formerly


* Axemen now get Build as their secondary ability (formerly Giantslayer).

* Ogre Hero now gets Poison as an ability (formerly Dwarfslayer).

* All Heroes replace any race slayer skills with Monsterslayer.


* Raise Dragon now summons a L9 (formerly L Dragon with Vampirism +1.

* Altar of Wind now has an upkeep of 3 (formerly 4).

* All Altar spell effects are changed to be based off the Warlord Level.

Altar of Battle L1-14 +2 (formerly +6)

L15-29 +3

L30+ +4

Altar of Wind L1-14 +1 (formerly +2)

L15+ +2

Altar of Stone L1-14 +2 (formerly +4)

L15-29 +3

L30+ +4

Altar of Fire L1-14 +2 (formerly +4)

L15-29 +3

L30+ +4

Altar of Night L1-14 +2 (formerly +3)

L15-29 +3

L30+ +4

* Added a new Hero Spell sphere which works as follows:

1) Hero spells may be researched by any Warlord type. The research time for

each is fixed and can not be reduced.

2) Hero spells may be cast ONLY when a hero is present in the stack.

3) Any of the five dispel magic spells will dispel a hero battle spell.

4) Hero spells may still be cast if the Warlord dies, however no further spell

research is possible.

5) Hero spells will be mixed in with the normal spells available for research

and will use Orange colors and unique icons and sounds to distinguish them.

Hero Spell Table

Spell Name Type Mana Research Time

Heroic Presence Battle 6 3

Heroic Strike Battle 8 3

Heroic Expertise Battle 12 3

Heroes Feast Battle 10 3

Heroes Mount Creature 18 6

Heroic Presence - Add +2 Morale for the current Battle.

Heroic Strike - Doubles the chance for a critical hit for all units.

Heroic Expertise - All units gain +1 to their damage.

Heroes Feast - All units gain +2 life.

Heroes Mount - Summons a specially trained mount for the hero to ride.

The mount summoned is based on the Heros Race and Level

Good Hero - Pegasi

Neutral Hero - Storm Dragon

Evil Hero - Wyvern

Hero L1-5 - L1 Mount

Hero L6-10 - L2 Mount

Hero L10+ - L3 Mount

NOTE: The mount will be SPECIALLY tied to the hero it is summoned for.

Furthermore the mount is not a taxi, it does not carry your buddy or

girlfriend or anything else. Just your hero. So if you want 2 heroes to

fly you will cast the spell once for each hero. Also each hero can only

have 1 mount, subsequent mounts can be summoned for the hero but the

hero will only be able to ride the last one summoned.

To mark this for players, the mount is 'named' after the heroes name so

if your hero is named 'KGB' the mount will be named 'KGBs Mount'. So

short hero names will be better than long since there is limited display

space on the screen.

You can most definitely seperate mount and hero if you wish but then

the hero won't be able to fly.

Should the heroes mount be slain over water or lava, the hero will die

as he plunges to earth. Over forest or mountains the hero will survive

but will be trapped there until another mount is summoned unless the

terrain next to him is passable without flight.

If your running the wind spell, the mount will get the move bonus, but

the hero won't.


* A new major armor item called 'Medal of Valor' was added that gives +50% XP

bonus to the stack.

* A new major misc item called 'Beedub's Horn' was added that gives +1 Morale to

the side.

* A new major misc item called 'Figurine of Kor' was added that gives -1 to all

Enemy Morale.

* A new minor misc item called 'Golden Chest' was added that gives +10 gold per


* A new minor armor item called 'Paladin's Armor' was added that gives +1 Divine


* A new major weapon item called 'Cross of Power' was added that gives +2 Divine


* A new minor misc item called 'Gloves of Skill' was added that gives +1 Rune


* A new major head item called 'Mask of Vulcan' was added that gives +2 Rune


* A new minor weapon item called 'Sheppard's Staff' was added that gives +1

Nature Magic.

* A new minor misc item called 'Four Leaf Clover' was added that gives +2

Nature Magic.

* A new minor misc item called 'Summoning Orb' was added that gives +1 Summoning


* A new major misc item called 'Daemon's Heart' was added that gives +2 Summoning


* A new minor misc item called 'Tome of Necromancy' was added that gives +1

Necromancy Magic.

* A new major misc item called 'Talking Skull' was added that gives +2

Necromancy magic.

* A new minor weapon item called 'Deamonic Crossbow' was added that gives +2


* A new major weapon item called 'Heroes Torch' was added that gives +5


* a new minor armor item called 'Rangers Cloak' was added that gives a move

bonus on all terrain to the stack.

* A new artifact misc item called 'Ring of Escape' was added that allows a hero

to avoid a deathblow.

* A new major misc item called 'A King's Ransom' was added that grants Fealty

from any neutral city.

* A new minor misc item called 'Dwarven Ale' was added that gives a 10% increase

in the chance to get mercenaries offering for hire each turn.

* Items that give bonus's to the entire side no longer stack. Only the best item

bonus is applied for a side. This applies to Mana Regen, Max Mana, Morale,

Enemy Morale, all Magic (Divine, Rune, Nature, Summoning, Necromancy) items.

* All items now have unique icons so they can more easily be distinguished.

NOTE: The items that grant increases to Magic Skills (Divine, Rune, Nature,

Summoning, Necromancy) do not grant the ability to cast/research spells

in those spheres. They only increase existing Warlord skills.

The Escape skill automatically activates when a hero in combat is about

to be killed from a hit. It returns him to the stack as if he was

terrorized (set to 1 life). The hero may still be killed If he is returned

to combat or hit from multi-attack damage. It does not prevent death from

Assassination, Death Gaze or Archery.

The Ring of Escape and King's Ransom are single use items. Once used they

are removed from the heroes inventory.

The Medal of Valor adds to any bonus from Weaponmaster so that Level 10

Weaponmaster + the Medal of Valor would give +150% XP bonus.

Terrain Effects:

* Terrain effect modifiers for races, unit types and abilities have been added

into combat. All categories that a unit belongs to will be be applied. For

example Elf Cavalry in a Forest would get -1 combat for being Cavalry and +2

combat for being Elves for an overall bonus of +1 combat.

* There may be more than one terrain type affecting a combat. In that case all

modifiers for the terrain types will be applied.

* The terrain is the terrain the defender occupies and it is shown at the top

of the combat screen.

* Terrain types and bonus's/penalties are:

Chasm: No bonus's

City: Archery units : +1 combat when defending

Siege units : +1 combat and +2 life when attacking

Desert: Orc units : -1 combat

Undead units : -2 life

Forest: Cavalry units : -1 combat

Elf units : +2 combat

Hill: Dwarf units : +2 life

Ogre units : +2 life

Lava: Dark Elf units: -1 combat

Daemon units : +1 combat and +2 life

Elf units : -1 combat

Units with Fire skill : +1 Fire

Marsh: Orc units : +1 combat

Undead units : +2 life

Units with Disease skill : +1 Disease

Mountain: Dragon units : +2 life

Dwarf units : +1 combat and +2 life

Ogre units : +1 combat and +2 life

Plains: No bonus's

Road: Cavalry units : +1 combat

Infantry units : -1 combat

Siege units : -1 combat

Rock: Dark Elf units : +1 combat

Dwarf units : +1 combat

Ogre units : +1 combat

Ruin: Archery units : +1 combat when defending

Cavalry units : -1 combat

Fliers : -1 combat when attacking

Monster units : +1 combat and +2 life when defending

Units with Terror skill : +1 Terror when defending

Snow: Daemon units : -1 combat and -2 life

Dragon units : -1 combat

Units with Fire skill : -1 Fire

Water: Dwarf units : -2 life

Fliers : +1 combat

Units with Fire skill : -1 Fire

Woods: Cavalry units : -1 combat

Dwarf units : -2 life

Elf units : +2 combat

Ogre units : -1 combat and -2 life

All: Units with Archery skill : +1 Archery versus Fliers

Random Maps:

* The number of Timbermills on a random map was reduced slightly due to

Engineers now being able to upgrade them to Windmills. The number of Gold Mines

was slightly increased to offset the Timbermill reduction.

* Very strong neutral garrisons will now tend to only appear in the central 1/3

of the map instead of 1/2 of the map. Garrisons near the edge will now be

slightly weaker.

Scenario Design:

* Added new event trigger that fires when the city count for a side reaches a

certain count. The XML tag is 'on_city_count' and the only value to enter is

the number of cities.

* Added new event action that allows setting the AI level for each side. The

XML tag is 'AI_level' and the only value is the AI level from Knight to

Emperor (0-3).

* Added new event action that allows automatic casting of a spell in a city.

The XML tag is 'cast_spell' and the only value is the number of the spell

(0-104). This spell will not take mana from the side. The event location

should be set to city to ensure the spell has a valid casting location.

* Updated the Message action to allow a wav file to be played in addition to

displaying a message. To play a wav file with a message add a second string

parameter with an XML tag of 'string2' to the Message event. The data

should be the pathname to the wav file.

Eg. "AssetsSoundsSpellsSpellHeroes.wav"

* Updated the Chance trigger to allow the random seed to varry a bit instead

of always being fixed each turn. A side's current amount of gold, upkeep and

the current turn number are now factored into the chance value. In addition a

value can be added to this in the event by filling out the second value

field for the Change trigger.


* A new 10 map campaign is included called Amthor. To play it you must select

each of the 10 Amthor maps in 'Skirmish Mode' because there is no way to

create an actual campaign overview map. A Warlord called Amthor is included

that is meant to be the Warlord used in the campaign.

Warlord Editor:

* A completely updated Warlord Editor is included with all the latest items

and unit/hero changes. This means players who didn't install 1.03 don't have

to download the editor seperately.

Bug Fixes:

* Circle of Protection now gives Negate +1 (formerly the bug gave +2).

* Fixed bug where unit id's would be invalid causing crashes when

production/heroes/mercs would arrive in an already full city.

* Increase the number of AI stacks from 250 to 1000 and the number of AI units

from 1000 to 2000 due to crashes when the AI ran out of array space.

* Fixed bug that caused a crash on large/huge maps when the AI needed multiple

turns of movement to reach a city to rebuild.

* Fixed a bug that caused the AI to set production on its cities multiple times

a turn which would slow the AI down to a crawl on slow machines and in MP.

* Fixed a bug that caused the AI to check the city/stack replentish logic

multiple times a turn which would slow down the AI to a crawl when the number

of units and cities controlled by an AI grew large.

* Fixed a bug where if the city garrison had more movement than the city stack

the garrison would lose its extra movement when trying to move out of the city.

* Fixed a bug in MP where minimizing the game would freeze the game in the combat

screen for other players until the game was unminimized.

* Fixed a bug where units summoned to an empty city wouldn't get their full

movement but instead got the movement of the last stack that was there.

* Fixed a bug in MP where the last human player vs some AI's can't save the

game to continue on in solo mode. The game now saves as a solo player game

when only 1 human player remains.

* Fixed a bug where AI stacks with heroes would target and move to a square with

items even though the heroes had no space to take the item. This would cause

the Stack to remain there forever.

* Fixed a bug in MP (I hope) where ghost units would sometimes appear outside a

newly captured city when the AI was moving.

* Fixed a bug where Mana Crystals were not being sent properly in MP mode from

scenario trigger events.

* Fixed a bug where Spells were not being given to a side properly in MP mode

from scenario trigger events.


* A View Chat History option has been added under the View Units menu. In MP

games the last 20 messages can now be recalled. In addition team chat

messages are displayed with leading and trailing ** characters to distinguish

them from general chat messages to all players.

* Regenerating the list of spells to research now always gives an entire new

set of spells to chose from. Before it was possible to get some spell

duplication in the list. If there are is not enough spells to form an entire

new list then some duplicates will appear.

* During the opponent turns the opponent Warlord type and the race being played

are now displayed in addition to the Warlords name and the side color.

* Doing a mouse over of the units in the currently selected stack now shows the

unit stats on the bottom status bar. The stats shown are unit level, combat,

current life, maximum life and movement remaining. This allows a player to

find units with low movement when merging stacks without resorting to

deselecting or right clicking every unit.

* Doing a mouse over of your Mana Regeneration now shows the true regeneration

rate for your side by showing your income from all sources and your upkeep.

* Defeated sides are now removed from all report menus.

* The Help Menu has undergone a massive update:

1) A new Racewheel graphic reflecting the race wheel realignment.

2) Tips for selecting and playing a Warlord have been added to the playtips


3) The Warlord skills section has been updated to 1.05 changes.

4) A Hero skills section has been added describing the hero spells and mounts.

5) The Unit skills section has been updated to 1.05 changes.

6) An Item skills section has been added describing special item powers.

7) A Terrain Effects section has been added showing all bonus/penalties for

every terrain type.

A Miscellaneous section has been added showing the combat table, morale

table, hero/mercenary/merchant offers.

* The Racewheel and the level of the city captured has been added to the City

Capture screen to aid players in deciding whether to raze or keep a city.

* Permanently razing a city now costs gold instead of giving gold. The cost to

permanently raze uses the same formula as the the one used to give gold for

sack/pillage. If a player does not have enough gold the cost will be set to

the current amount in the players treasury so that a player will never lose

the ability to permanently raze due to lack of gold.

* Permanently razed cities are now valid terrain for movement for all stacks.

The movement cost is the same as a road movement cost (2 mp). Combat may

take place on permanently razed cities.

* The ability to queue units in the city production menu with the primary or

secondary ability has been added. To use this feature:

1) First turn on/off the secondary ability button.

2) Select the unit to be produced.

3) Repeat steps 1&2 for the remaining units in the queue.

The production queue will now grey out units that are to be produced with

the secondary ability for a visual reference of what is in the queue. When

a unit in the queue becomes the current unit to be made the secondary

button will automatically set/unset.

NOTE: This feature works with the loop production button to allow players

to create an infinite queue of alternating unit skills.

* Back by popular demand is a complete battle report history for every side!

Under the View Opponents menu a Battle Report button has been added to each

enemy side (team sides still contain the Transfer Gold button) plus your

own side.

1) Selecting an enemy side battle report shows the kills inflicted by you

upon that side as follows:

0 Warlord was overthown

1 Retinue was ground to dust

2 Heroes were gloriously defeated

5 Allies were dispatched with ease

27 Units were surrounded and slain

A total of 5 victories and 6 defeats

2) Selecting your sides battle report shows the kills inflicted on you by all

sides including neutral cities plus some overall empire stats as follows:

1 Retinue was betrayed and slain

3 Heroes were tricked and murdered

11 Allies were mercilessly slain

100 Units were cruelly ambushed

A total of 34 victories and 16 defeats

A total of 16 cities captured and 5 lost

A total of 14 ruins were explored

A total of 2 heroes offered to pledge their sword

A total of 9 allies offered to join our cause

A total of 4 merchants offered an item for sale

NOTE: The city captured/lost reflects the absolute number captured/lost not

the number of unique cities. So if you trade a city back and forth

several times your totals will increase each time that city is captured

or lost.

The hero offer count is a count of the number of turns you are offered

a hero regardless of whether you accept or not including your initial

hero. It does NOT include heroes built in cities or found in ruins/quest


The ally offer count is a count of the number of allies who are offered

for sale regardless of whether you accept or not. It is NOT the number

of turns you are offered allies. This means an offer of 5 units

increases the count by 5, not 1.

The merchant offer count is a count of the number of turns you are offered

an item for sale regardless of whether you accept or not.

Counts may not add up exactly as you expect. Units you get from ruins

or via city fealty are considered allies. Thus when they die your ally

death total rises. Heroes you get from ruins or build in cities add to

your hero death total when they die. So you may see something strange

such as 8 heroes lost but only 3 offered to pledge their sword.

The AI:

* Fixed a bug where arrays were too small to take into account the neutral side

when calculating distance to enemy cities.

* Fixed a bug where the city had not switched races before production time was

being calculated when the AI captured a city and did a raze/rebuild.

* Fixed a bug where the dispel spell for some Magic Sphere's was not being

handled correctly in terms when to cast it so that some sphere's would never

be dispelled.

* Fixed a bug where the AI stacks would not pick up more than 2 items lying

in a square even if it had space for them. Now all 4 items can be picked up

if there is space for them.

* Updated the production logic, level up logic and unit value logic to take into

account the Daemonslayer and Monsterslayer skills when producing, upgrading

and valuing units.

* Updated the purchase item logic to take into account all the new item skills

when deciding whether to accept merchant offers. The AI won't buy items it

can't use (like Divine Magic if it can only cast Rune magic).

* Added logic to handle site upgrades for Engineer Warlords. The AI will

upgrade sites attached to its capitol first. After that it will only upgrade

cities that are not in danger from enemies (basically rear cities) no matter

how much gold it may have.

* Updated the spell research logic to take into account the new hero sphere


* Updated the spell casting logic to allow the AI to cast the new hero sphere


* Added spell casting logic for the shatter spell. The AI will now be able to

cast the shatter spell. This will be a valuable spell now with the change

to the Merchant skill and the Uber Retinue option.

* Changed the casting logic for Ring of Fire, Hail and Meteor swarm so that

they can now only be cast by stacks that have a target of another stack

or city (Ring of Fire) and the casting stack must still some of its

movement left. This is to prevent wasted casts of those spells.

* Adjusted some of the AI cheats downward on King and Emperor levels as the AI

no longer needs that much of an advantage.

* The AI item targetting routines were changed to allow the AI to drop items

it can't use (Build, Scouting, Scavenging, Income, Magic Spheres the Warlord

can't cast from) and replace them with items it can use. This will allow the

AI heroes to accumulate better items over time.

* The stack targetting logic underwent a change to prevent the AI from over

targetting stacks. The AI now keeps track of the number (and strength) of

each stack it has targetted toward an enemy stack. Once a certain threshold is

reached where the AI feels confident of victory, it will ignore that enemy

stack when finding targets for the rest of its stacks. This prevents the issue

of 5 stacks chasing down a lone unit/weak stack.

* Added a new targetting routine to find empty enemy cities. If nearby empty

enemy cities are detected they get priority over any other target type.

* The A grade stack logic underwent a massive change to improve handling of

A grade stacks. The first part involves preventing A grade stacks from leaving

a city empty in order to rush off to a new target. A grade stacks are now

prevented from leaving a city until the garrison reaches a certain strength

based on nearby enemy presence. The second part involves adding HitNRun logic

which allows A grade stacks to pop out of a city, attack a nearby weak enemy

stack and then return to their city just as a human player would. This change

also means the AI expansion will be slightly slower now as it encounters


* The AI combat logic underwent a complete re-write to improve how the AI uses

its armies in combat. I essentially wrote a combat simulator for the AI. It

takes into account virtually every important skill during and between (heal/

regeneration) combat rounds factoring in spells, items etc. Bonus's and

penalties are given for certain skills (eg. things like avoiding placing

archery, curse, bless and heal into combat while giving preference to

slayers/smite skills when the current enemy unit is vulnerable to those

skills). In addition the AI now divides all its units into 3 categories

(hero, valuable and cannon fodder). A best unit is found in each category and

then the three bests are compared to find the optimum unit to send into

battle. In addition, hero and valuable units have a 'gotta beat em all'

mentality so they will only get serious consideration when they can survive

against all remaining enemy units.

The result is quite impressive. The AI does a really good job now with

selecting units for combat. It holds back heroes and valuable units until the

end but can still send them in against the last enemy or two so that they can

get the majority of experience just as a human player would. While I wouldn't

agree with every AI choice (I defined valuble for the AI as high level units),

I'd agree with a vast majority of them and the simulator has revealed a few

things to me regarding how good certain units/skills are/aren't. Combat now

seems a lot closer to what happens when two human players battle it out.

The unexpected bonus of this is you can now allow the AI to fight your

battles for you without worrying it will do something dumb like put your

heroes in danger. This makes PBEM games viable since the AI always fights

for the defending human player.

* A new difficultly level called 'Emperor with Uber Retinue' was added. The

only difference between this an Emperor is that the AI Warlords will come

equipped with Uber Retinue's as follows:

1) All 3 retinue will be the level of the single highest human player retinue

unit plus one. If the highest level human retinue level is less than 10

the AI will be level 10. Eg. If you have a retinue of L15, L10 and L5 the

AI will have 3 L16 retinue units.

2) The retinue units will be given combat and life bonus's equal to the

buildings the Warlord has added to the Capitol city. Eg. If the combat and

life bonus is +6 and +6 (a Combat warlord with all buildings added) then

the retinue will have +6 combat and +6 life added to their stats.

3) The retinue will come with items roughly corresponding in value to those

possessed by the human players. The value assigned is a simple scale of

minor=1, major=2, artifact=4. So 1 artifact=4 minors. If your retinue

comes decked out in artifacts, the AI retinue will come the same way. If

you come with one or two minor items, the AI will come the same way. There

may be slight variances as the AI could substitute 1 major for 2 minors

kind of thing.

NOTE: This option while selectable, does NOT work in campaigns. That's

because campaigns have pre-built warlords to face on each map that

include retinue. Randomly build Warlords are only used on Random or

Scenario (pre-built) maps.

Do NOT expect much variance in the AI uber retinue. The AI gets the

very best hero combo with the very best items in terms of fighting

a 'Battle of the Retinue Titans' game. In other words this retinue

is designed to kill other retinue, not be well rounded for all kinds

of situations. However, once the retinue levels creep past L20 or so

these retinues are virtually unkillable without your own retinue.

There is no special AI logic to handle this option. So the AI won't

go out of its way to load up the retinue stack with top units. This

option was really just added as a bonus for solo players to compare

their retinue against the very best combo used in MP games. So don't

write asking for logic to improve the rest of the retinue stack. In

fact if you want a supreme challenge, disband your own retinue (you

won't lose them if you disband them) and try and take down the AI

uber retinue without your own.

* Please delete all old saved games. Older saved games or PBEM games will not

work with version 1.05.

* You may report any bugs at http://www.warlorders.com or the I2 website.

Warlords IV: Heroes of Etheria v1.04 fixes/changes :

Warlords IV: Heroes of Etheria v1.03 fixes/changes :


Divine Warlords now can get mana regen of +1 by selecting Mage Turret and Mage Tower (formerly max mana +2 and max mana +3).

Rune Warlords now can get mana regen of +1 by selecting Rune Spire, Rune Turret and Rune Tower (formerly max mana +2, max mana +3 and max mana +4).

Nature Warlords now only get mana regen of +1 from Adept Spire (formerly +2).

Summoning Warlords now can get max mana +3 from the Occult tower (formerly mana regen +1). Quests are now available from the Sacrifical Shrine building.

Necromancer Warlords can now get a quest from the Death Shrine building.

Glory and Fame powers are now 4% per level instead of 2%.

Arcane spells can now never take less than 5 turns to research (formerly could get as low as 2). After L10 the research time declines to 6 turns at L13 and 5 turns at L15.

Gold for defending was changed from 100 gold to 20 gold per unit defeated.

The Gate skill was changed to {1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2}

---------------------------------------{- 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 6}

---------------------------------------{- - - - 1 1 1 1 1 2}

Pre-made warlords automatically change their Favored Race to be the one selected by the player for the game.


Elven race now gets 20 movement (formerly 21) matching Dark Elves.

Dragon race now gets 21 movement (formerly 19).

Daemon race now builds 2 imps per turn (formerly 1 per turn).


Elven Archers now get archery +1 (formerly archery +2) when levelling up and get access to scouting +1 at level 3.

Elven Guards now get magic immunity instead of scouting.

Elven Hero now gets archery instead of first strike.

Dragon Knight now has 13 life (formerly 11).

Flame Cannon now gets fire +1 at level 3 (formerly no second ability).

Manticore now gets archery +1 at level 2 (formerly no second ability).

Orc now has 12 life (formerly 10).

Goblins now have taunt as primary ability and scavenging as their secondary ability (formerly was the other way around).

Spearmen now has 10 life (formerly 12).

Empire hero now gets archery instead of terror.

Dwarf hero now gets siege instead of income.

Skeletons now get warding +1 at level 2 (formerly got at level 3).

Ballista now gets dragonslayer instead of siege.

Assassins now get first strike instead of scouting.


Inspiration now gives morale +3 (formerly +1) and the casting cost is 10 (formerly .

Altar of battle now has an upkeep of 4 (formerly 3).

Create Golem now has a casting cost of 10 (formerly .

Pathfinding now has an upkeep of 1 (formerly 2) with a casting cost of 14 (formerly 12).

Earthpower now also gives damage +2 from the towers and casting cost is 15 (formerly 13).

Accuracy now gives archery +2 (formerly +3).

Bounty now gives +100 gold (formerly +50) with an unkeep of 1 (formerly 2).

Regeneration now gives regen +2 (formerly +3) to all units (formerly good).

Kargoth now gives 16 spiders (formerly 24) at level 3 (formerly varrying levels).

Doombat now is an arcane spell (formerly rare).

Pyrohydra is now a rare spell (formerly arcane) and has a casting cost of 17 (formerly 20).

Bloodritual now has an upkeep of 4 (formerly 5).

Memories is now Stolen Memories and gives +8 XP to all evil units (formerly only undead got 8 XP).

Tranquility now has a casting cost of 14 (formerly 16) to be inline with dispels in other spheres.


A new item called 'The Crown of KGB' was added that gives Mana Regen +2.

A new item called 'The Moonwine Cup' was added that gives Max Mana +3.

A new item called 'Heathen's Hammer' was added that gives Siege +1.

A new item called 'WizIce's Robe' was added that gives Magic Immunity +5.


Archery is changed to now do 1-2 damage at L1, 1-3 at L2, 1-4 at L3, 1-5 at L4 and 1-6 at L6 (formerly all damage was 2-6). The maximum number of archery hits is now 2 (formerly 3).

Armor is changed to now reduce 1 point of damage from archery (formerly 3).

Heal is changed to now do heal 1 at L1, 1-2 at L2, 1-3 at L3, 1-4 at L4, 1-5 at L5 and 1-6 at L6 (formerly 1-2 at L1, 1-3 at L2 and so on).

Assassin now doubles the chance of a critial hit on any strike against any unit (in addition to still having chance to assassinate hero outright).

Scouting now shows the ruin reward (hero, gold, allies, mana crystals, item, tome) if the level of scouting is high enough.

Negate no longer negates siege attacks against towers. Negate no longer negates blessing of enemy units or the cursing of the unit with negate.

Bug Fixes:

White ward now gives warding +1 (formerly the bug gave +2).

Wind spell no longer gives extra movement to non-fliers (formerly the bug could give extra movement to non-fliers).

Inn sites now give +5% chance to get a hero at 5% discount per inn (formerly the bug was not even counting inns at all in a new hero chance).

Crushing blow now works at the percentages listed in manual (formerly the bug had it working at 15,25,35,45,55).

Units can merge and unmerge from a stack without losing individual movement (formerly the bug reduced all units to the slowest moving unit).

On turn 1 in hidden map games any sites attached to the capitol become visible helping to uncover the map a bit (formerly you had to guess which sites you had on your capitol whereas other conquered cities automatically showed their sites).

If a city is full of units and you are offered a hero/allies in that city or your retinue arrives in a full capitol those units will now be placed outside the city (formerly those units would be lost from

the game).

NOTE: If the 8 squares surrounding the city are occupied or consist of impassible terrain the units will still be lost!

Random Maps:

Random maps are now divided into 4 quadrants and cites and ruins are placed evenly in each quadrant so that each quadrant receives between 20 and 30 percent of the total number of cities and ruins.

The number of extra roads on the map is now a function of the map size (small, medium, large, huge) and the number of citys (few, normal, many).

Cities in the middle of the map will now tend to be a higher level with stronger garrisons.

The AI:

The bug that prevented the AI from attacking a capitol city has now been fixed.

The AI warlord generation logic underwent a massive change to improve the warlords and retinue generated. The changes now produce AI warlords that tend to resemble those created by human players at emperor levels and tend to be more random as the AI level goes down to knight.

The AI targeting routines were changed to allow the AI to track down and pick up items lying on the ground and in cities.

The AI spell research logic underwent a massive change to improve the spells chosen by the AI to research.

The AI spellcasting logic underwent a massive change to improve the AI spellcasting.


Summoned units now come with the movement of the casting stack even if they form their own stack (formerly new stacks got full movement). Only in empty cities can they get full movement.

All capitol cities have a base income of 100 (formerly it was random) to reduce money starvation early.

Neutral cities will have a minimum of 2 units defending them (formerly it could be 1) and the odds are more likely of 3 or more.

Combat in multi-player mode will be automatically defaulted to 'fast' (formerly both players had to click the auto button to get fast).

Critical hit percentage is now 10% (formerly 15%) to reduce the number of criticals.

The cost of upgrading to a L2 city is now 200 gold (formerly 100) to make merchant skill more useful.

A new button called '2nd ability' was added to the city menu which allows cities to produce units with their secondary ability instead of their primary one. This allows a wider variety of units to be produced by each side.

Team games now have allies in alternating slots such a slot 1 and 3 vs slot 2 and 4 (formerly went slot 1 and 2 vs slot 3 and 4). In odd numbered games like 2vs1 the single player now goes first (formerly the single player went last).

The ability to purchase neutral cities of your own race has been added. To purchase a city, move a stack containing at least one hero next to the city and 'attack' it. The city will then offer fealty for an amount of gold based on the city level and the size of the garrison. Purchase of a city includes its garrison. Click on a city to see the 'fealty' cost. The AI purchases cities when offered.

NOTE: Once you attack a city you will no longer be able to purchase it (however other players of the same race could still purchase it if they have not attacked it). If you refuse the initial fealty offer the city will never offer again so the next time you 'attack' the city it will go to the combat screen.

The ability to give gold to allies in team games has been added. Select the 'View Opponents' menu and then the 'Transfer Gold' button and enter the amount of gold to give to your ally. The AI will share gold with all its allies including human players.

The ability to regenerate the lis

  • Last update: Monday, July 16, 2007
  • Genre: Strategy
  • File size: 6 MB