Valheim - Durability v.0.7.0 - Game mod - Download
The file Durability v.0.7.0 is a modification for Valheim, a(n) action game. Download for free.
File Type: Game mod
File Size: 4.4 KB
Last Update: Monday, December 6, 2021
Downloads: 694
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Durability is a mod for Valheim, created by aedenthorn.
Description (in author’s own words):
Allows you to tweak the durability of torches, tools, weapons, bows, shields, and armour.
This mod provides config settings for each of the following:
Torches: affects the durability drain over time caused by holding a torch.
Hammers: affects the durability loss caused by each use of a hammer.
Hoes: affects the durability loss caused by each use of a hoe.
Pickaxes: affects the durability loss caused by each use of a pickaxe.
Axes: affects the durability loss caused by each use of an axe.
Tools: affects the durability loss caused by each use of any other tool.
Weapons: affects the durability loss caused by each use of the weapon.
Bows: affects the durability loss caused by each use of the bow.
Shields: affects the durability loss caused by blocking.
Armour: affects the durability loss caused by taking damage.
First install BepInExPack Valheim. Then put the mod’s dll file into the plugin folder (…steamapps\common\Valheim\BepInEx\plugins\)and its done!
To change these settings, edit the file BepInEx/config/aedenthorn.Durability.cfg (created after running the game once with this mod) using a text editor.
Setting any value to 0 should disable durability loss entirely for that item type.
Armour durability loss in Valheim is randomly applied to one piece of armour based on the damage received. This mod has a setting to multiply the durability loss by a given variable. i.e. 1.0 means no change, 0.5 means half as much loss, etc.
Shield durability loss in Valheim is applied based on the damage blocked. This mod has a setting to multiply the durability loss by a given variable. i.e. 1.0 means no change, 0.5 means half as much loss, etc.
The other variables are straight replacements for the amount of durability lost or drained. Default values for this mod are the vanilla game values.
Code is at
??If you want to complain or ask for help or help me test my mods, you can visit my Discord server?.
- Last update: Monday, December 6, 2021
- Genre: Action
- File size: 4.4 KB