Thief: Deadly Shadows - Crystal Clear Conscience - Game mod - Download

The file Crystal Clear Conscience is a modification for Thief: Deadly Shadows, a(n) action game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 61.5 MB

Last Update: Friday, June 14, 2019

Downloads: 84

Last 7 days: 0

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Crystal Clear Conscience is a mod for Thief: Deadly Shadows, created by Judith.


A singleplayer adventure.


My latest 'journey' into Pagan territory proved quite fruitless. Tip about hidden valuables turned out to be 'a little' inadequate. But this time my new informant did her job well. There's a yearly Trade Day celebration being held at local marketplace. Its overseer, Gavin Quigsley, is a wealthy merchant and brave adventurer. The last expedition was a huge success. It's said, that he managed to retrieve an exquisite crystal, buried deep with one of the ancient shipwrecks, found near The Isle of Baltia. He called the stone "Pride of Dayport". Acorrding to local gossips, men lose their tongue and women can't take their eyes off it, lost in admiration. Not that I'm getting too sentimental - I prefer big loot and paid rent to delivering paeans about precious stones... I guess the marketplace will be full of guards and townsfolk, so sneaking around might be difficult. But what is life without challenge? And more people mean more purses... Time to set out and deprive Dayport of it's inordinate pride...


To launch this mod you need FMSel manager shipped with the Sneaky Upgrade..

Beginner's quick start guide to playing FMs using the FMSel loader frontend: (To play using GL, just make sure GL is installed before installing the Sneaky Upgrade.)

Create a folder for downloaded FMs in a neutral location. A subfolder of your Downloads folder will do

Go to a site which hosts Thief 3 FMs, and download some into that folder

Start FMSel through the cyan desktop icon.

A dialog will ask for the FM archive path. Select the folder from above

The FMSel window will now show the titles of the downloaded FMs. Right-click an entry and select View Info File to see the FM's readme

To start the mission, click Play FM (or Start FM if you're ready for a full play-through)

See the FMSel readme for more detailed information

  • Last update: Friday, June 14, 2019
  • Genre: Action
  • File size: 61.5 MB