The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Witcher 3 Ultra Low Under 9000 v.1.1 - Game mod - Download

The file Witcher 3 Ultra Low Under 9000 v.1.1 is a modification for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 2.9 KB

Last Update: Thursday, September 10, 2015

Downloads: 13418

Last 7 days: 0

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Witcher 3 Ultra Low Under 9000 is a mod for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, created by Hasukiii.


If you are like me playing on a laptop (or pc) that get's around 10 FPS on low settings, but you still want to play Witcher 3 no matter what, then you've got the right mod. I tried everything that I managed to find via. Google, going through various config files and hours and hours of experimenting. In the end I managed with my Laptop (See below for specs) a decent 23 - 30 Fps from the average 10 FPS on the ingame low settings.

Tested on Witcher 3 1.06 and 1.07 (Check file description for more infos)

What it does:

It basicly disables everything that looks remotely good and turns every possible setting down, even further then W3HC - Witcher 3 Hunter's Config allows. If you are familiar with Gothic 1 and 2, that's how everything will look like, more or less. But you wouldn't be here if it bothers you, would you? This config file uses a very, very low resolution setting (800x480), if you have issues with your eyesight, then it's probaly better to skip this mod or increase the resolution manualy. Just take in mind, that an increased resolution might eat up quiet a few FPS.

Take in mind that...

- You will probaly notice alot of weird shadow pop-in and, mostly outdoor, shadows that move with your character. This happens because the view distance of the shadows is greatly reduced.

- The Resolution, as I mentioned, is very, very low. (800x480) If you have a few spare FPS, then increase the Resolution.

- The text will be almost unreadable. Seriously, it's god awfuly hard to read because of the resolution. Increase it if you can!

- Pop-ins everywhere.

- There's almost no texture on armor, most notably.

- You probaly should tweak the Resolution.

- Don't expect anything fancy. :(

- Only water looks great. I haven't found a way to decrease the quality for more performance yet.

- The difficulty is set to 4 in my settings... If you like to change that, open the user file and search for Difficulty=

- The alternative movement on 1.07 Ultra low config is activated.

- Patching to version 1.07 didn't improve any fps for me. (I think I lost a few fps, but I might be wrong)

- Under 9000 only gives me 3 more fps compared to Ultra Low. If you don't want to lose the texture details on Ultra Low but want those 3 extra fps, than you can edit the MaxVisibilityDepth= to 0 It's located in your user file. It basicly changes how far you can see trees. With 0 they will start to pop up right infront of you thou.


1. Unpack the archive

2. Navigate to your Witcher 3 installation path. (C:\...\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\config\base)

3. Create a backup from rendering.ini and move it somewhere safe

4. Copy the rendering.ini from the mod and overwrite if neccesary.

5. Navigate to C:\Users\--Your Name--\Documents\The Witcher 3 and backup user.settings.bak and user

6. Copy the user config file from the mod and overwrite if neccesary

7. Make sure to delete user.settings.bak if you haven't already. Witcher 3 will generate a new one with the new settings.

Note: Remember to change both files to "Read only", or it might get overwriten back to low quality. Also, before playing, change your desktop resolution to something around 1024x768 if you are using my resolution. If you want to change the resolution of Witcher 3, Navigate to C:\Users\--YourName--\Documents\The Witcher 3 and open user. Search the following line Resolution="800x480" and change it to your desired amount. Don't forget to set it back to read only. Annoyed by the save / load version warning? You can easily tweak it yourself. Open user (C:\Users\--YourName--\Documents\The Witcher 3) search for ShowCompatWarning= and change it to false.

How to Uninstall:

1. Just delete user, user.setting.bak and rendering.ini and reapply your old backup.

  • Last update: Thursday, September 10, 2015
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 2.9 KB