The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Brutal Combat v.1.31 - Game mod - Download
The file Brutal Combat v.1.31 is a modification for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.
File Type: Game mod
File Size: 62.8 MB
Last Update: Friday, November 1, 2019
Downloads: 6713
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Brutal Combat is a mod for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, created by vahndaar
Description (in author’s own words):
This mod started as a small combat tweak but has evolved into pretty much a complete gameplay overhaul. There is a plethora of changes, improvements and new additions to the gameplay, many of which are user customiseable so that the experience can be fine tuned. The overall aim was to make the game more immersive and the gameplay experience even more fun
The mod is based on some key principles. These principles were something I established early on in the mods development. Their purpose was intended to ensure that the changes I was making were targeted at achieving a particular outcome. The mod did, however, take on a life of its own. So new principles emerged as a superset of the original ones:
Make gameplay as rewarding as possible. This is an overriding principle. Everything in this mod is aimed at making the experience as rewarding and enjoyable as possible.
Changes should enhance and not detract from immerstion - Where possible changes should help the player get immersed in their role and the world.
Changes should not break the lore - doing so would break immersion, so everything should support the world and it's lore.
Changes should enhance realism without hurting gameplay. For example is it realistic that Geralt can lug 100kg of gear around? No. But would realistic encumbrance hurt gameplay? Yes. Quality of life wins out here.
Opponents should not have superhuman levels of 'health'. No damage sponges here!
Higher level opponents should have more stamina. So they will be more likely to dodge, evade, parry and counter.
Opponents will deal lethal damage. Because you also aren't a damage sponge!
Reduced buffs for 'High' and 'Deadly' opponents. Because, well, it's a bit of a hack really.
Slightly increased experience for monsters. As a reward for defeating tougher foes!
Realistic human combat. No more being stopped in your tracks by pesky blackjacks!
Persistent challenge through to late game. Because such an awesome game should stay consistently awesome!
The reasoning for these is explained a bit further down for those who are interested...
Select and download the package(s) you want from the 'files' tab
Open the .rar file and find the folder beginning 'mod' (lowercase)
Copy this folder to the 'mods' directory in your Witcher 3 root folder
You'll find a file called modBrutalCombatConfig.xml in the .rar - pop this here: <Witcher 3 Dir>\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\
Also in the package is EXAMPLEinput.settings. Add these settings to input.settings, normally located at C:\Users\<UserName>\Documents\The Witcher 3\
If using the Blood FX component, please edit <Witcher 3 Dir>\bin\config\base\rendering.ini as follows:
DynamicDecalsLimit=60 - Change to 600
DynamicDecalsChunkLimit=30 - Change to 300
DecalBudget=100 - Change to 1000
Set Enemy Upscaling to 'off' in the Gameplay settings.
Go into the mod options and select the difficulty preset you wish to play with.
Have a look through the documentation as required.
Start a new game. You don't have to, but it's recommended if you want the full gameplay experience.
Set difficulty to Death March. The mod has been balanced to play on this level of difficulty, although easier difficulty will work.
Play a normal game, not New Game+. Although it will work, I can't guarantee any 'oddities' as haven't tested it extensively.
- Last update: Friday, November 1, 2019
- Genre: RPG
- File size: 62.8 MB