The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Bloodborne Gun Parry and Execution v. - Game mod - Download
The file Bloodborne Gun Parry and Execution v. is a modification for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.
File Type: Game mod
File Size: 331.1 KB
Last Update: Friday, November 4, 2022
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Bloodborne Gun Parry and Execution is a mod for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, created by mugi.
Use firearm to counter enemy attack and execute enemy like bloodborne. Applies on both human and monsters.
Basically same as Bloodborne gun parry mechanism, firing at enemy during their attack will stun them, and Geralt can execute the enemy before they recover from the stun.
Harder than vanilla counter, as we cannot draw out the gun as fast as the sword, so we need a little prediction
Monsters will be heavily knock down, so we can execute the majority of them too (only on very large monster we cannot perform a ground finisher, and they are usually rare and exists only as Boss and wouldn’t be immersive to instantly killed by execution.
Remember to use amasii’s ‘Shades of Iron mod’! There’s a bunch of blood borne outfits there!
Works for normal enemies and skull level enemies,
but doesn't work for '???' level enemies as we cannot counter their attacks as CDPR designed.
Parry Timing:
A successful gun parry requires the bullet to hit on the target at the start of an attack,? which is when the red light first appear on his health bar
but the time we draw our guns differs depending on enemies' attack,
here I'll list them from fastest to slowest:
Important: Prepare time, enemies draw their weapon to their back before launching their attack, I'll called the period prepare time
1.?Enemies with the long axe barely have prepare time for their attacks, so you'll need to draw when they stop their steps (they usually walk around you when not attacking
2.enemies with mace have the second faster prepare move before his attack, you'll need to draw the gun soon as he starts the pre move.
3.enemies with crossbow have are the third fastest, you'll need to draw the gun at the early middle of his prep time.
4.armored enemies with swords are the lowest, so you can draw when the prep move end and the attack starts.
5.Be aware that all enemies have an alternative charge attack, they will draw their weapons further back, and stay there for aminute, the timing will be the same for this situation, draw when the staying ends.
Requirements: Mod limit fix oraz Firearms
To install extract Bloodborne Gun Parry and Execution archive into „mods” folder. Wypakuj archiwum do folderu „mods” w miejscu zainstalowania gry.
IMPORTANT!!!: If you need to merge this mod with others, remember to copy soundspc.cache from my content folder to mergedfiles’s!!! Else there will be no sound!
- Last update: Friday, November 4, 2022
- Genre: RPG
- File size: 331.1 KB