The Long Dark - UMod TLD v.19 - Game mod - Download

The file UMod TLD v.19 is a modification for The Long Dark, a(n) adventure game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 180.2 KB

Last Update: Thursday, August 22, 2019

Downloads: 28414

Last 7 days: 13

Report problems with download: [email protected]

UMod TLD is a mod for The Long Dark, created by UModTld Team.


General Gameplay Improvements

  1. While placing item you can rotate it with mousewheel or by holding shift key down and moving your mouse
  2. You can stack items on top of each other
  3. You can place items anywhere


  1. F1 = Fly Mode
  2. F2 = Ghost Mode - This lets you walk right up to any mob and they wont run away or attack you
  3. F3 = Infinite Carry
  4. F4 = Max Item Condition
  5. F5 = Infinite Sprint
  6. 0 = Repair selected item (in inventory)
  7. + = Increase selected item count
  8. = Decrease selected item count
  9. Delete = Delete selected item
  10. Control+H = Set player to max condition

Console (\ to open console or shift+\ to open full console)

  1. clear = Clear the console
  2. about = About this trainer
  3. additem = Add an item to your inventory (eg. additem flare)
  4. itemlist = Get a list of possible items
  5. list = List commands
  6. heal = Heal the player of all damage
  7. repair = Repair all items in your inventory
  8. hotkeys = List all hotkeys in
  9. pos = print player coordinates
  10. showPos = make the players location show on screen (toggle it on/off)
  11. deadAim = Add new crosshair and stop bow sway

To install:


Move "Assembly-CSharp.dll" and "UModTld.dll" to your "SteamApps\common\TheLongDark\tld_data\Managed" folder

Run the game

If you see UMod watermark on the top left corner when the menu has loaded the mod is working

  • Last update: Thursday, August 22, 2019
  • Genre: Adventure
  • File size: 180.2 KB