The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition - Portents from Beyond v.1.0 - Game mod - Download

The file Portents from Beyond v.1.0 is a modification for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 4.9 MB

Last Update: Monday, August 13, 2018

Downloads: 935

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Portents from Beyond is a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Special Edition, created by Razorkid


Primarily a spell mod, though a radiant quest is provided for added entertainment.

Find the Totem near Cradle Stone Tower, myriad gods relay their wants through this warped effigy - their want is that of power. Upon heeding their call, they will send forth a herald - and you must hunt it down.

Choose between gaining the Herald's powers as your own, or have it be your thrall.

Due to the random nature of the spawns, you'll need patience to find the power you seek.

Weapons must be disenchanted for the powers to take effect.



Glutton Guard - Power attacks while a shield is equipped will activate spells related to life leech, fear and rooting your enemies.

Sentinel - Power attacks while a shield is equipped will activate spells related to defense and rallying of allies.

Golden Herald - Power attacks while a mace is equipped will activate spells related to healing and restoration magics.

Crimson Reaver - Power attacks while dual wielding any weapon will activate spells related to a fast offense and speed.

Infernal Vessel - Power attacks while wielding a two handed weapon will activate spells related to fire.

Hidden Progidy - Power attacks while wielding daggers will activate spells related to stealth and evasion.


Summon Fragment of Will

Summon Fragment of Gluttony

Summon Fragment of Piety

Summon Fragment of Deceit

Summon Fragment of Flame

Summon Fragment of Fury

To install:

Use Nexus Mod Manger or exract into „Data” and activate in game’s launcher.

  • Last update: Monday, August 13, 2018
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 4.9 MB