System Shock 2 - System Shock 2 NewDark v.2.48 - Game mod - Download

The file System Shock 2 NewDark v.2.48 is a modification for System Shock 2, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 19 MB

Last Update: Sunday, August 2, 2020

Downloads: 6746

Last 7 days: 9

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System Shock 2 NewDark is a mod for System Shock 2, created by Le Corbeau.


On September 24th, 2012 a fan patch for the dark engine games, System Shock 2, Thief TDP, Thief Gold, and Thief II was shared on french forum ARiane4ever by user Le Corbeau. The patch updated Thief 2 to Version 1.19, System Shock 2 to version 2.4. Included were Proof of Concepts of the demos of Thief The Dark Project & System Shock 2, showcasing the upgraded Dark Engine.

The patch supports all games on the dark engine, and as of the creation of this file is known to support all SS2 2.3 FM's and all Thief II 1.19 FMs. It contains every fix present in the popular DDFix tweak, as well as a number of others, integrated directly into the engine.

The Dark engine games ar now modernized, and all issues with running them are effectively eliminated. These patches are currently being tested thoroughly by the experts of Dark Engine games over at TTLG's forums, if you come across any issues, please report them there.

[2] [Before you patch...]

Before you start with patching any of the games, it is strongly advised you start with a fresh install. If you're moving from an older install, be sure you back up your user.bnd's and your save folder.

When installing, select a directory that is NOT program files. This can make it difficult to tweak, mod, and configure certain settings and games. I would suggest a folder such as C:\Games.

Before you patch, make sure the games are on their latest official version.

The patch is confirmed to work with the Steam version, GoG version, and retail copies.

Lastly, please show your support! Looking Glass Studios may be long gone, but you can still purchase legitimate copies of Thief 1 and 2! They are now available at GoG and Steam. While the money may not go to the talent behind the titles, support goes beyond putting cash in the pockets of the producers. Unfortunately the same can not be said of System Shock 2.

[3] [Installation]

This archive is designed to streamline the installation of the new dark engine patches to a simple drag-and-drop. Simply drag the contents of each folder into the game you wish to install it to, and be sure you over-write any files you are prompted to. It is advised to start with a fresh install, although may not be necessary.

[4] [Disclaimer]

This archive is provided for the sake of people who just wish to play the games. The update for DromED/ShockED is not included, however if you are a modder you can find it here. It is not distributed by anyone from TTLG, Ariane4Ever, Eidos, Arkane, Square-Enix, or anyone you probably know.

For additional downloads, please visit this TTLG thread,

If anyone from Earth, its orbiting bodies, or Mars & its orbiting bodies wish to redistribute this archive, I humbly request they do so without modification of the contents of the archive. Keep Hacking, hackers. And keep sneaking, Taffers.

  • Last update: Sunday, August 2, 2020
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 19 MB