Surviving Mars - CheatMenu v.16 - Game mod - Download

The file CheatMenu v.16 is a modification for Surviving Mars, a(n) strategy game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 384.6 KB

Last Update: Friday, March 12, 2021

Downloads: 25019

Last 7 days: 1

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CheatMenu is a mod for Surviving Mars, created by ChoGGi.

Description (in author’s own words)

Enables Cheat menu, Cheat info pane, Console, adds a whole bunch of menuitems, allows you to build as many Wonders as you want, etc...


?Contains pretty much all of my other mods, as well a few more (none of the new/modified building mods though)

F2: Toggle the cheats menu.

F4: Open object examiner for selected object

Ctrl+F: Fill resource of selected object

Enter or Tilde: console

F9 to clear the console history

There's a cheats section in most info panels on the right side of the screen.

Menu>Toggles>Infopanel Cheats (on by default, as well as the empty cheat being disabled)

Hover over menu items for a description (will say if enabled or disabled)

If a menu has "+ num" then it'll increase it by that number each time


Toggle showing history/results on-screen (Menu>Debug, it's on by default)

type any name in to see it in the console log (ex: Consts)

exit (or quit)

restart (or reboot)

examine(Consts) (or ex(Consts))


dumplua(dlgConsole) (dumps using TupleToLuaCode())

dumpobject(SelectedObj) (or dumpo)

dumptable(Consts) (or dumpt)

if you want to overwrite instead of append text: DumpObject(TechTree,"w")

if you want to dump functions as well: DumpTable(TechTree,nil,true)

some functions I added that may be useful to modders:

ChoGGi.PrintIds(TechTree): Dumps table names+number (access with TechTree[6][46])

TechTree[6][46] = Breakthroughs>PrefabCompression


returns number from TechTree (so you know how much it changes)


^returns 10


^ returns 0.25

it returns percentages in decimal for ease of mathing

ie: BuildingMaintenancePointsModifier is -25 this returns it as 0.25

it also returns negative amounts as positive (I prefer doing num - a not num + a)


Extract into „…Surviving Mars\mods” and activate in Mod Manager.

  • Last update: Friday, March 12, 2021
  • Genre: Strategy
  • File size: 384.6 KB