Sunless Sea - No Story Reset Upon Death v.1.0 - Game mod - Download

The file No Story Reset Upon Death v.1.0 is a modification for Sunless Sea, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 123 KB

Last Update: Sunday, August 19, 2018

Downloads: 196

Last 7 days: 0

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No Story Reset Upon Death is a mod for Sunless Sea, created by Dratoran.

Description (in author’s own words):

If you die and start a new game everything will proceed normally (you start with the standard ship, your skills get reduced, etc.) except that the stories / quests won't reset. You can basically continue where you left of.


Basically everything in Sunless Sea works with qualities and the game has a lot of them (955, it the wiki is correct). This mod changes all story related qualities (603) so they will persist, if you die and the game starts anew.

This means that not a single quest will reset upon death.

Changed qualities includes:

- Story qualities

- Quest items, if they're unique / can't be received again should you lose them

- Officers (not a single officer is available for the shipmate legacy anymore, since you will keep them all anyway)

If you set an ambition in your last game, you will take it with you in the new game. However, you won't be able to chose an avatar or a name (you'll always be called 'Shadowed Stranger').

IMPORTANT: For obvious reasons you should disable the mod, if you finish your current playthrough and want to start a new game. If you don't do this, this new game will basically be already finished. Every event, which ends the game by losing or winning has now a warning that reminds you about this mod.


Go to the game folder in your AppData. The path is usually 'C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\LocalLow\Failbetter Games\Sunless

Sea\'. Place the folder 'No Story Reset Upon Death' (the one containing 'entities' and 'encyclopaedia' in 'addon')


Since this mod doesn't add any new qualities, simply deleting the mod files will work fine.


Seeing 955 qualities through is a lot of work and I needed to decide for every single one, if it is relevant to the quests or not. Of course, I might've forgotten an important quality, which might prevent you from finishing a specific quest or two (there is a list with all modified qualities included in the mod). In these cases please tell me about this, so I might improve my mod and help you find a solution for your problem.


This mod changes the majority of ingame qualities, which means that it will most likely be incompatible with any mod that changes ingame qualities too (instead of adding new once). This includes for example my other mod "The Pirate-Poet For Polythreme".

  • Last update: Sunday, August 19, 2018
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 123 KB