Strategic Command World War I: Breakthrough! - v.1.05 - Game update - Download

Game update (patch) to Strategic Command World War I: Breakthrough! , a(n) strategy game, v.1.05, added on Monday, June 16, 2014.


File Type: Game update

File Size: 551.5 MB

Last Update: Monday, June 16, 2014

Downloads: 1423

Last 7 days: 0

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- fixed an Auto-Assist HQ attachment error that was detaching units that were not out of range (Dan Fenton)

- fixed a National Morale Bonus error that did not take into account destroyed Transport units (Dan Fenton)

- fixed an Upgrade dialog error that sometimes set a unit to 0 Action Points even if no upgrade option had been selected (Dan Fenton)

- fixed an ANNEXATION script error that did not update the new owner to the various supply and secondary supply locations (Dan Fenton)

- fixed an HQ attachment error that did not immediately add the HQ rating of a recently attached HQ to a unit (Furchtlosundtrew)

- fixed an AI unit purchase placement error that placed Artillery units adjacent to enemy units (Furchtlosundtrew)

- maximum unit morale is now capped at 125%, down from 150%

- fixed a unit movement error for some territories where they were unable to move once they had entered (Falk)

- fixed a recon attack error for Airships that did not launch defensive anti-air or intercptor fire (xwormwood)

- fixed an Engineer fortification completion report and popup that was under some circumstances not firing (Dan Fenton)

- fixed a FoW spotting error for some double strike units after they've moved and attacked (Dan Fenton)

- fixed a morale bonus reporting display error for when sinking transports (Dan Fenton)

- fixed a TCP/IP game error that was that was causing a CTD for one side and not the other (Ray Speight)


1870 Franco-Prussian War

- Grammar corrected in one Decision Event.

- The National Morale value of Villages has been decreased from 1 to 0, of Cities from 25 to 20 and of Fortresses from 25 to 15.

- France will now receive 75 National Morale points per turn from the 1st October 1870 reflecting her continuing resolve to fight on, and a further 50 per turn from the 1st November 1870.

- Prussia will now lose 50 National Morale points per turn from the 1st October 1870 reflecting increasing frustration in Germany with the length of the war, and a further 50 per turn from the 1st November 1870.

1914 March on Paris

- The German artillery now arrive on the 4th August at Essen rather than in the Deployment Phase (Peter Palchinsky).

1939 Storm over Europe

- Road at 296,22 in Finland corrected (Dan Fenton).

- Roads amended near the ports of Cattaro and Dubrovnik (Furchtlosundtrew).

- Removed the town of Scutari from Turkey (Furchtlosundtrew).

- In France, Cherbourg, Brest and Calais are now Secondary Supply Centers (Dan Fenton).

- The maximum strength of towns has been increased from 5 to 8.

- The UK now starts with Tanks level 1 (Dan Fenton).

- The UK starts with a chit invested in Intelligence research to represent Ultra, and the cost of investing further has been reduced from 175 to 150 (Dan Fenton). The cost for the USA to invest in Intelligence has been increased from 125 to 150 so that they are now both in tandem.

- The Decision Event for Operation Chariot will now be presented in September 1941.

- Units’ experience gains from launching a successful attack have been reduced slightly from 0.3 to 0.25 (Dan Fenton).

- Maximum research MPP limits for the UK, USSR and Germany increased to 1,400.

1914 Call to Arms; 1914 Ostaufmarsch

- German Deployment Phase Pop up amended (Xwormwood).

- All Minors are now able to upgrade (Erik Czarnecki).

- Road at 296,22 in Finland corrected (Dan Fenton).

- The UK now starts with 1 chit invested in Infrastructure.

- Roads amended near the ports of Cattaro and Dubrovnik (Furchtlosundtrew).

- Removed the town of Scutari from the Ottoman Empire (Furchtlosundtrew).

- Increased the effect of the typhus events in Serbia (Xwormwood).

- Ottoman III Corps at Gallipoli reduced in strength to 8 and experience to 1 (from 11 and 1.5 respectively). - The earliest theoretically possible date for the Treaty of Bucharest to occur has been brought forward to 1st January 1916 (AshesFall).

- The options to spend MPPs to raise National Morale are now available when National Morale falls to both 50% and 25%, i.e. at both trigger points you can start spending to reduce the fall in National Morale. Previously you could only invest at one or the other trigger point (AshesFall).

- The Allied AI will now only invest new chits in Romanian diplomacy if Russia is still in the war. (Honch). - Starting Ottoman National Morale reduced from 20,000 to 18,000.

- The Arab Revolt now reduces Ottoman Unit Morale in Arabia, with a big hit when the revolt starts, and small but continuous penalties thereafter (sokulsky).

- Ottoman research into Trench Warfare now costs 75MPPs per chit, to reflect the disproportionate cost to their limited war economy of constructing the sort of defensive positions that were built on the Western Front.

- The French now have the option to form a half strength Corps representing the Polish Blue Army in the summer of 1918 (sokulsky).

- Austria-Hungary now has the option to raise a strength 8 Detachment representing the Polish Legion in September 1914 (sokulsky).

- The National Morale value of the Galician Oilfield has been increased from 15 to 25 NM points per turn (sokulsky). This will also apply to the Abadan Oilfield in Iraq if the British send Indian forces to occupy Basra when the Ottomans enter the war.

- The Strategy Guides have been updated to highlight the impact on Balkan neutrals Greece, Romania and Bulgaria should the Entente capture Gallipoli (Will95).

1914 Russia’s War

- Road at 296,22 in Finland corrected (Dan Fenton).

- Roads amended near the ports of Cattaro and Dubrovnik (Furchtlosundtrew).

- Removed the town of Scutari from the Ottoman Empire (Furchtlosundtrew).

- Increased the effect of the typhus events in Serbia (Xwormwood).

- Austria-Hungary now has the option to raise a strength 5 Detachment representing the Polish Legion in September 1914 (sokulsky).

- The options to spend MPPs to raise National Morale are now available when National Morale falls to both 50% and 25%, i.e. at both trigger points you can start spending to reduce the fall in National Morale. Previously you could only invest at one or the other trigger point (AshesFall).

- The National Morale value of the Galician Oilfield has been increased from 15 to 25 NM points per turn (sokulsky).

1914 France’s Struggle

- The UK now starts with 1 chit invested in Infrastructure.

- The French now have the option to form a half strength Corps representing the Polish Blue Army in the summer of 1918 (sokulsky).

- The options to spend MPPs to raise National Morale are now available when National Morale falls to both 50% and 25%, i.e. at both trigger points you can start spending to reduce the fall in National Morale. Previously you could only invest at one or the other trigger point (AshesFall).

1918 Russian Civil War

- LOOPs from the North to the Mediterranean are now shortened to 2 turn lengths and corrected from TYPE=1 to TYPE=2 so that they will now persist throughout the game (Ray Speight)

  • Last update: Monday, June 16, 2014
  • Genre: Strategy
  • File size: 551.5 MB

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